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JANUARY 20. TODAY 1. Warm-Up 2. Questions from Exit Slip 3. 2 nd Semester Introduction  - Unit Project Introduction  - Vocabulary Chart 4. HW Check.

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2 TODAY 1. Warm-Up 2. Questions from Exit Slip 3. 2 nd Semester Introduction  - Unit Project Introduction  - Vocabulary Chart 4. HW Check 5. Reflection 6. Check-Up Quiz

3 2 ND SEMESTER INTRODUCTION Unit Project: Origami Vocabulary Chart Class Web Page



6 REFLECTION- 10 MINUTES 1.Take out a sheet of paper.  Put your name on it.  Label it “Unit 5 Investigation 1 Reflection” 2.Answer #1 (parts a, b, and c) on p.28 in your textbook. 3.When you are done, turn in your paper to the wire basket and take out a pencil and a ruler.

7 CHECK UP QUIZ #1 Work on this assignment BY YOURSELF. #1(c) Instead of finding the angle of rotation, highlight or trace one angle you could measure to find the angle of rotation.

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