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BIOASPECTS OF ORNAMENTAL FISHES Dr. B. Ahilan Professor Department of Aquaculture Fisheries College and Research Institute Thoothukudi Dr. B. Ahilan Professor.

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Presentation on theme: "BIOASPECTS OF ORNAMENTAL FISHES Dr. B. Ahilan Professor Department of Aquaculture Fisheries College and Research Institute Thoothukudi Dr. B. Ahilan Professor."— Presentation transcript:

1 BIOASPECTS OF ORNAMENTAL FISHES Dr. B. Ahilan Professor Department of Aquaculture Fisheries College and Research Institute Thoothukudi Dr. B. Ahilan Professor Department of Aquaculture Fisheries College and Research Institute Thoothukudi


3 Classification: Order:Cypriniformes Family:Cyprinidae Genus:Barbus Species:conchonicus Common name:Rosy Barb

4 Characters 1. Rosy Barb is hardy, active, colourful and a very ready breeder. 2. Mature males change to a deep pink colour when they are ready to breed.

5 Aquarium conditions Water:Soft, Medium- hard Temperature:24°C - 28°C Habitat:Mid water and lower level

6 Species details Origin:North India Size:100 mm long Male:Black fins and deep copper pink body at breeding time Feed:Omnivorous Breeding method:Egg scatterer will guard eggs Breeding potential:Easy, prolific Special needs:Company


8 Classification: Order:Cypriniformes Family:Cyprinidae Genus:Barbus Species:tetrazona Common name:Tiger Barb

9 Characters 1. Body colour red-brown, fading to silver on the underside. 2. It has got four distinctive black stripes. 3. Recently ‘albino’ and ‘green’ varieties have been developed. 4. The reputation of these fishes at fin nippers may be ill-deserved. 5. Keeping them in a group may divert their attention from other fishes fins.

10 Aquarium conditions Water:Soft, Medium- hard Temperature:24°C - 28°C Habitat:Mid water and lower level Special attention:More space

11 Species details Origin:Sumatra Size:57 mm long Feed:Omnivorous Sexual dimorphism:Male have more red in the fins and usually have a bright red nose. Female are plumper. Breeding method:Egg scatterer Breeding potential:Moderately easy


13 Classification: Family:Characidae Genus:Paracheirodon Species:innesi Common name:Neon Tetra

14 Characters 1. Very important ornamental fish. 2. Central body is electric blue in colour with posterior caudal region bear red colour. 3. This fish was first introduced in fish keeping world in the 1930’s but it was over shadowed by the discovery of another species like cardinal Tetra. 4. These small group of fishes looks beautiful if they kept in groups. 5. A peculiar disease occurs to this fish which is called Neon Tetra Disease (Plistophora) causes pale area below the dorsal fin.

15 Aquarium conditions Water:Soft, Medium- hard Temperature:24°C Swimming level:All levels Tank type:Community

16 Species details Origin:South America Size:45 mm long Feed:All foods Sexual dimorphism:Females are plumper, deeper bodied Breeding method:Egg scatterer Breeding potential:Moderately easy


18 Classification: Family:Characidae Genus:Cheirodon Species:axelrodi Common name:Cardinal Tetra Recent name:Paracheirodon axelrodi

19 Characters 1. Body red coloured lower half above which an electric blue band extends turn the eye portion to caudal region. 2. The fins are colourless although the red may extend slightly into the caudal fin. 3. They look very spectacular when kept in group. 4. The female fish is usually a little larger than the male. 5. Dr. Herbert Axelrod the American fish expert discovered this species so accordingly Axelrod is the species name.

20 Aquarium conditions Water:Soft, Medium- hard Temperature:24°C Swimming level:All levels Tank type:Community

21 Species details Origin:South America Size:40-45 mm long Feed:All foods Sexual dimorphism:Females are larger than males may have tiny hooks on anal fin Breeding method:Egg scatterer Breeding potential:Difficult


23 Classification: Order: Cypriniformes Family:Cyprinidae Genus:Brachydanio Species:rerio Common name:Zebra danio

24 Characters 1. Body is covered in alternating horizontal stripes of dark blue and silver or gold. The pattern continues on the anal fins but the remaining fins are light coloured.

25 Aquarium conditions Water:Soft, Medium- hard Temperature:24°C – 26°C Swimming level:Upper and Mid water level Special attention:More space

26 Species details Origin:Eastern India Size:40-45 mm long Feed:Omnivorous Sexual dimorphism:Females are dull coloured Breeding method:Egg scatterer Breeding potential:Easy but after spawning the parents should be removed


28 Classification: Order: Cypriniformes Family:Cyprinidae Genus:Danio Species:acquipinnatus Common name:Giant danio

29 Characters 1.The earlier name of the species is Danio malabaricus. 2.Largest of the danio group and requires lot of space for swimming. 3.The fish has a grey blue black, but colour fades a pale pink on the belly. 4.The sides are marked with narrow horizontal bands of blue and yellow.

30 Aquarium conditions Water:Soft, Medium- hard Temperature:24°C Swimming level:Upper and Mid water level Special attention:More space

31 Species details Origin:India and Sri Lanka Size:100 mm long Feed:Omnivorous Sexual dimorphism:Females are deeper bodied central stripe runs horizontally on males. In females these lines turns up at base of caudal fin Breeding method:Egg scatterer Breeding potential:Easy


33 HARLEQUIN FISH (Rasbora) HARLEQUIN FISH (Rasbora) Classification: Order: Cypriniformes Family:Cyprinidae Genus:Rasbora Species:heteromorpha Common name:Harlequin fish (Rasbora)

34 Characters 1. Body is silver coloured. 2.Blue wedge shaped colour which is beneath its dorsal fin and runs to its tail.

35 Aquarium conditions Water:Soft, Medium- hard Temperature:24°C-26°C Swimming level:Upper and Mid water level Special attention:More space

36 Species details Origin:Thailand, Malayasia, Indonesia Size:40 mm long Feed:Omnivorous Sexual dimorphism:Females have less clearly defined colour Breeding method:Egg depositor but scatters the eggs Breeding potential:Moderate easy


38 RED TAILED BLACK SHARK RED TAILED BLACK SHARK Classification: Order: Cypriniformes Family:Cyprinidae Genus:Labeo Species:bicolour Common name:Red tailed black shark

39 Characters 1.Body colour is jet black with scarlet caudal fin. 2.Dorsal fin shape resemblance with that of marine species. 3.They quarrel with each other among their species.

40 Aquarium conditions Water:Soft, Medium- hard Temperature:24°C Swimming level:Upper and Mid water level Special attention:Plants

41 Species details Origin:Thailand Size:120 mm long Feed:Omnivorous Sexual dimorphism:No visible differences Breeding method:Egg scatterer Breeding potential:Difficult


43 ANGEL FISH ANGEL FISH Classification: Family:Cichilidae Genus:Pterophyllum Species:scalare Common name:Angel Fish

44 Characters 1.A graceful, disk shaped vertical black stripes on a silver coloured body. 2.Besides, many new varieties on angel fish have been developed including all black, half black, marbled and blushing types. 3.The normal angel fish bears large dorsal and ventral fins.

45 Aquarium conditions Water:Soft, Medium- hard Temperature:24°C Swimming level:All Special attention:Plants

46 Species details Origin:South America Size:110 mm long Feed:All foods Sexual dimorphism:Females have fatter breeding tube Breeding method:Egg depositor on a vertical slanting surface inside aquarium Breeding potential:Moderately Easy


48 POMPADOUR FISH (Discus) POMPADOUR FISH (Discus) Classification: Family:Cichilidae Genus:Symphysodon Species:discus Common name:Pompadour fish (Discus)

49 Characters 1. An attractive brown colour with a pale blue iridescence. 2.Discus is a delicate, highly priced fish which needs proper care for its survivability.

50 Aquarium conditions Water:Very soft, acidic Temperature:28°C Swimming level:All levels Special attention:Excellent water condition

51 Species details Origin:South America Size:150 mm long Feed:Live and fleshy food Sexual dimorphism:Difficult to distinguish Breeding method:Egg depositor Breeding potential:Moderately difficult


53 CLOWN LOACH CLOWN LOACH Classification: Family:Cobitidae Genus:Botia Species:macracantha Common name:Clown loach

54 Characters 1.A bright orange body marked with three broad, black bands (one passing across the eye) makes the clown loach the colourful Botia. 2.The scales are so small that the skin appears to be naked. 3.This fish likes the company of its own species.

55 Aquarium conditions Water:Soft, Medium- hard Temperature:24°C Swimming level:Lower level but make occasional movement to mid water Special attention:Plants

56 Species details Origin:South East Asia Size:125 mm long Feed:Omnivorous but prefers worms Sexual dimorphism:No visible Breeding method:Unknown Breeding potential:Difficult


58 SUCKERMOUTH CATFISH SUCKERMOUTH CATFISH Classification: Family:Loricaridae Genus:Hypostomus Species:punctatus Common name:Suckermouth catfish :Plecostomus plecostomus

59 Characters 1.This species has an elongated, slender, printed brown body, a broad flattened head having a central sucking mouth. 2.It cleans the algae growth in the aquarium. 3.If adequate green food are not given it may retaliate by nibbling at aquarium plants.

60 Aquarium conditions Water:Soft, Medium- hard Temperature:24°C Swimming level:Bottom Special attention:--

61 Species details Origin:South America Size:250 mm long Feed:Vegetable matter Sexual dimorphism:No visible differences Breeding method:Unknown Breeding potential:Difficult


63 COMMON GOLD FISH COMMON GOLD FISH Classification: Family:Cyprinidae Genus:Carassius Species:auratus Common name:Common gold fish

64 Characters 1. Body metallic orange-red without any silver patch. 2.It has got long based dorsal fin and caudal fin is rounded or slightly forked.

65 Aquarium conditions Water:Soft, Medium- hard Temperature:0-20°C Swimming level:All levels Special attention:Community

66 Species details Origin:China Size:200 mm long Feed:All type Sexual dimorphism:Males have breeding tubercles on gill covers Breeding method:Egg Scatterer Breeding potential:Easy


68 PARADISE FISH PARADISE FISH Classification: Family:Anabantidae Genus:Macropodus Species:opercularis Common name:Paradise Fish

69 Characters 1.This has got red blue and brown bands running across its body. 2.The male has got elongated dorsal and caudal fins which it erects to impress females or to threaten rival males. 3.This can withstand lower temperatures than the usual required range for tropical freshwater fishes.

70 Aquarium conditions Water:Soft, Medium- hard Temperature:16°C-24°C Swimming level:All levels Special attention:Floating weeds

71 Species details Origin:Far East Size:75 mm long Feed:All types Sexual dimorphism:Males have longer fins Breeding method:Bubble nest builder Breeding potential:Moderately easy may require a higher temperature


73 PEARL GOURAMI PEARL GOURAMI Classification: Family:Anabantidae Genus:Trichograster Species:leeri Common name:Lace gourami, Leeri Gourami, Mosaic Gourami, Pearl Gourami

74 Characters 1.The male species has a brown body with orange under-parts, and the females underside is more silver coloured. 2.Both sexes have the same body pattern contains mosaic of silvery spots which running into the fins, and a dark line centrally along the flanks.

75 Characters – Contd.., 3.The male has along dorsal fin that may extend over the caudal fin and very long, filamentous pelvic fins which along with throat and front part of the anal fin are bright red-orange at spawning time. 4.In good specimens, the dorsal and anal fins have extended filaments. 5.It takes mature period three years to its final adult size.

76 Aquarium conditions Water:Soft, Medium- hard Temperature:24°C – 26°C Swimming level:All levels Special attention:Floating weeds

77 Species details Origin:Far East Size:110 mm long Feed:Omnivorous Sexual dimorphism:Males have longer fins the red throat region when spawning Breeding method:Bubble nest builder Breeding potential:Easy, prolific


79 KISSING GOURAMI KISSING GOURAMI Classification: Family:Anabantidae Genus:Helostoma Species:temmincki Common name:Kissing Gourami

80 Characters 1.There are two colour variations of the Kissing Gourami, one is olive-green and other is delicate pink. 2.The most unusual feature of this fish is its peculiar habit of kissing, members of its own species with is protuberant lips. This not an expression of affection its is probably a trail of strength between the fishes but still this a mystery.

81 Aquarium conditions Water:Soft, Medium- hard Temperature:24°C – 26°C Swimming level:All levels Special attention:Floating weeds

82 Species details Origin:Far East Size:200 mm long Feed:All foods, vegetable matter Sexual dimorphism:No visible differences Breeding method:Lays floating eggs but does not built a Bubble nest Breeding potential:Difficult


84 SIAMESE FIGHTING FISH SIAMESE FIGHTING FISH Classification: Family:Anabantidae Genus:Betta Species:splendens Common name:Siamese fighting fish

85 Characters 1.Besides blue and red colour now a days many other colour strained fighters are available in the market. 2.The distinctive fins of aquarium developed fishes are more ornate than those of wild ones. 3.The Siamese fighter is renowned for its aggressiveness rivalry with other males of the same species.

86 Aquarium conditions Water:Soft, Medium- hard Temperature:24°C Swimming level:All levels Special attention:Each fish remains separately

87 Species details Origin:Thailand Size:60 mm long Feed:All foods Sexual dimorphism:Males have longer flowing fins Breeding method:Bubble nest builder Breeding potential:Easy, but males must be segregated into separate tanks


89 ORANGE CHROMIDE ORANGE CHROMIDE Classification: Family:Cichilidae Genus:Etroplus Species:maculatus Common name:Orange Chromide

90 Characters 1.Body little oval, gold in colour, marked with tiny red dots and three vertical bars sometimes in odd manner. 2.It has got blue facial markings 3.This fish is susceptible to fungal disease and therefore a little, sea salt should be added to its water.

91 Aquarium conditions Water:Hard with little sea salt Temperature:24°C Swimming level:Mid water and lower levels Special attention:Plants

92 Species details Origin:India and Sri Lanka Size:90 mm long Feed:All foods Sexual dimorphism:No visible differences Breeding method:Egg depositor Breeding potential:Moderately easy

93 Astronotus ocellatus -OSCAR

94 Characters  The wild variety has irregular dark blotches and rust-coloured markings.  The head of this specimen is grey with less red coloration and a large, fleshy lipped mouth.  Dorsal and anal fins are wider at the rear and the caudal fin is rounded and paddle- shaped.

95 Characters – Contd.., Characters – Contd.., Habitat: Rivers in Amazonia and Guyana. Remark: A favourite pet despite its rapid rate of growth and large appetite, the Oscar needs regular, thorough water changes. It spawns prolifically and is likely to produce around 3,000 fry. If fed from the hand, it will readily become tame.


97 Characters  Belongs to Cichlid family, found in South America  Genus of Cichlasoma, it is a hybrid,  Cross between the Cichlasoma trimaculatus & Cichlasoma festae.  Their head protuberance, or kok, is formally termed a “nuchal hump”.

98 Characters – Contd..,  Very hardy species,  Flowerhorn need big aquarium with a lot of free space for swimming  200 litres tank is the minimum to an adult fish to let it live healthily.  Ideal pH level in the water, should be around 7 to 7.8  Water temperature ranging between 27 to 32°C.

99 Characters – Contd..,  This fish is very territorial. They are also very aggressive in nature. Co-existing with other fish is not advisable, especially smaller fishes  It is a big fish with compact body, it can reach 30cm in length and sometimes can grow even bigger.  Their diet can consist of live food, frozen food, and standard dry fish food.  Young Flowerhorn usually eat chironomus, brine shrimps and other frozen fish foods.


101 AROWANA- Ostroglossidae AROWANA- Ostroglossidae Scientific Name Common English Name Scleropages formosus Asian Arowana Osteoglossum bicirrhosum Silver Arowana Osteoglossum ferreirai Black Arowana Scleropages jardini Gulf Saratoga Scleropages leichardti Spotted Saratoga

102 Characters  Arowana have rounder and broader body  Their back portions are horizontal when they are young.  When fully grown, their backs will slightly arched.  The depth of their body about 4-5.5inches. Scales are coarse, big and rich in color.  Pelvic fin and anal fin are of the same length.  Caudal fin have 2 shapes- pear and fan. Mouth- wide and slanting (male arowana have a deeper mouth).  Pair of mandibular barbels must be straight and long.  It can grow up to 21/2 ft weighing 7kg in an aquarium and can live more than 10yrs.

103 Characters – Contd.., Characters – Contd.., pH: pH 6 to pH 7. Temperature: 26°C-30°C (79°F-86°F). Avoid sudden change of temperature as it may chock the fish can cause problem like tail dropping. Avoid sudden change of temperature as it may chock the fish can cause problem like tail dropping.Hardness: Arowana like soft water but can also tolerate water with reasonable hardness. Feeding Feeding Small arowana (below 15cm)-fed three times a day, medium arowana (15-35cm) -twice a day and Small arowana (below 15cm)-fed three times a day, medium arowana (15-35cm) -twice a day and Large arowana (above 35cm) Large arowana (above 35cm) Once a day or alternate day. Variety in food is important to avoid nutritional deficiency. Once a day or alternate day. Variety in food is important to avoid nutritional deficiency.


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