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Be part of the transformation and make change possible. unity Coordinating Global Efforts for Change.

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Presentation on theme: "Be part of the transformation and make change possible. unity Coordinating Global Efforts for Change."— Presentation transcript:

1 Be part of the transformation and make change possible. unity Coordinating Global Efforts for Change

2 Be part of the transformation and make change possible. unity Agenda A. The WuppDays B. What is yunity 1. What does yunity want to achieve 2. How is yunity going to achieve it 3. Visualization C.How to join the team Be part of the transformation and make change possible. unity

3 Be part of the transformation and make change possible. unity The WuppDays 4th WuppDays Meet other contributors in real life Dream, plan, do and celebrate Combine knowledge and skills from people with diverse backgrounds Looking for a permanent WuppSpace Be part of the transformation and make change possible. unity

4 Be part of the transformation and make change possible. unity Agenda A. The WuppDays B. What is yunity 1. What does yunity want to achieve 2. How is yunity going to achieve it 3. Visualization C.How to join the team Be part of the transformation and make change possible. unity

5 Be part of the transformation and make change possible. unity “yunity encourages relationships where people can share their time, skills and resources unconditionally. Through these connections and communities we prevent waste and raise awareness for a sustainable way of living.” Mission

6 Be part of the transformation and make change possible. unity What is yunity A multi-saving and sharing platform which translates into real life A yunifying movement with a yunique platform

7 Be part of the transformation and make change possible. unity Saving Reducing waste by making unused food and items accessible for people who need them right now Collect food and items from companies and organizations Put them into Fair-Teiler (fair-share-points), Free Shops and Giveboxes Offer them through the yunity platform

8 Be part of the transformation and make change possible. unity Different Concepts of Sharing Sharing to maximize utility (commercial sharing, neoliberal sharing, sharing economy) Giving stuff away (money-free sharing, gift economy)

9 Be part of the transformation and make change possible. unity Different Concepts of Sharing Sharing to maximize utility (commercial sharing, neoliberal sharing, sharing economy) Giving stuff away (money-free sharing, gift economy) Pooling resources (resources have no owners but only users, pooling economy)

10 Be part of the transformation and make change possible. unity Contemporary Sharing Gift Economy Sharing Economy Foodsharing CouchSurfing WWOOF Community Supported Agriculture Uber Car Pooling Kleiderei Airbnb

11 Be part of the transformation and make change possible. unity A „New“ Way of Sharing Pooling Economy Gift Economy Sharing Economy Community Network Hitchwiki Wikipedia Mundraub Foodsharing CouchSurfing WWOOF Community Supported Agriculture Car Pooling Uber Kleiderei Airbnb

12 Be part of the transformation and make change possible. unity yunity

13 Be part of the transformation and make change possible. unity Linear Model

14 Be part of the transformation and make change possible. unity Linear Model?

15 Be part of the transformation and make change possible. unity Giving Model

16 Be part of the transformation and make change possible. unity Giving Model?

17 Be part of the transformation and make change possible. unity Pooling Model!

18 Be part of the transformation and make change possible. unity Pooling Model!

19 Be part of the transformation and make change possible. unity The Pool

20 Be part of the transformation and make change possible. unity The Pool

21 Be part of the transformation and make change possible. unity Time for a break!

22 Be part of the transformation and make change possible. unity Agenda A. The WuppDays B. What is yunity 1. What does yunity want to achieve 2. How is yunity going to achieve it 3. Visualization C.How to join the team Be part of the transformation and make change possible.

23 unity What does yunity want to achieve? Simplify saving and sharing Connecting willingness to share with concrete needs Making incentives for sharing, contribution and cooperation accessible Mapping existing resources and events Crowdsourcing projects Unite existing saving and sharing communites and enable new ones to emerge

24 Be part of the transformation and make change possible. unity What does yunity want to achieve? Shifting perception of individual ownership Empower people to embrace their vision Enriching everyone to tap into the abundance of existing resources Coordinate a globalized effort for change

25 Be part of the transformation and make change possible. unity Vision “A society based on self determination, trust and cooperation, which allows people to live up to their full potential and to preserve ecosystems for all living beings.”

26 Be part of the transformation and make change possible. unity Agenda A. The WuppDays B. What is yunity 1. What does yunity want to achieve 2. How is yunity going to achieve it 3. Visualization C.How to join the team Be part of the transformation and make change possible.

27 unity How are we going to achieve it? Open-source, ad-free and non-commercial social web-application Multilingual, supra-national and glocal Virtual decentralized library Explore the possibilities for contribution enabling everybody to live up to their full potential Experience of and new contributors

28 Be part of the transformation and make change possible. unity How are we going to achieve it? Facilitating the ongoing transformation towards owning less and having access to more We encourage reducing, reusing, repairing, recycling and redesigning. Empower everyone to dive into the infinite possibilities that arise when we unite our resources Promoting real life communities Bring people together who share the same interest and enthusiasm to evoke mutual vocations Form synergies

29 Be part of the transformation and make change possible. unity Agenda A. The WuppDays B. What is yunity 1. What does yunity want to achieve 2. How is yunity going to achieve it 3. Visualization C.How to join the team Be part of the transformation and make change possible.

30 unity Front Page

31 Be part of the transformation and make change possible. unity Interactive Map

32 Be part of the transformation and make change possible. unity Profile Page

33 Be part of the transformation and make change possible. unity Event Page

34 Be part of the transformation and make change possible. unity ?

35 Be part of the transformation and make change possible. unity Agenda A. The WuppDays B. What is yunity 1. What does yunity want to achieve 2. How is yunity going to achieve it 3. Visualization C.How to join the team Be part of the transformation and make change possible.

36 unity The Teams IT-service Design Development Legal Public Relations Structure Translation None of the above

37 Be part of the transformation and make change possible. unity How we work! Landing Page ( Wiki ( Slack ( Trello ( GitHub ( Google Drive

38 Be part of the transformation and make change possible. unity Thanks for Listening!

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