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Tools to Measure an Earthquake Mercalli & Richter Scales Seismometers/Seismograms Mercalli & Richter Scales Seismometers/Seismograms.

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Presentation on theme: "Tools to Measure an Earthquake Mercalli & Richter Scales Seismometers/Seismograms Mercalli & Richter Scales Seismometers/Seismograms."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tools to Measure an Earthquake Mercalli & Richter Scales Seismometers/Seismograms Mercalli & Richter Scales Seismometers/Seismograms

2 Seismometers/seismographs Machines or devices used to record or detect seismic waves released by an earthquake Helpful hint: Seismometer rhymes with thermometer!

3 Seismometers ChineseModern

4 Seismometers Simple Basics

5 Seismograms: Paper with the seismic wave line markings.

6 Charles Richter He was born on April 26, 1900, on a farm near Hamilton, Ohio, north of Cincinnati

7 Richter Scale Invented by Charles Richter, an American Used throughout the world to measure quakes. Measures the magnitude or energy of an earthquake. The seismic waves are used to calculate the strength of the quake.

8 Richter Scale continuing Measured using Arabic Numbers usually from 1-10, but it can go higher than 10. You do not have to go to the quake site to evaluate it! Uses a math algorithm to base the numbers and make it exact. Ex: A 9.4 in Japan is the same as a 9.4 in the USA.

9 Mr. Mercalli

10 Mercalli Scale Invented by Giuseppe Mercalli, an Italian scientist. Uses Roman Numerals from I – XII. Measures the intensity or damage of the quake. Not very popular because it is opinionated.

11 Mercalli Continued You must actually go to the earthquake site to evaluate the damage. The damage varies based on what is there. Ex: city, town, farmland, desert, etc. Where you look at the damage determines the rating you give it! Ex: If I go north of town there may be no buildings, and if you go south there may be lots of buildings.

12 Mercalli Scale

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