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Boundaries A Practical Guide to Setting and Maintaining Boundaries with Families.

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Presentation on theme: "Boundaries A Practical Guide to Setting and Maintaining Boundaries with Families."— Presentation transcript:

1 Boundaries A Practical Guide to Setting and Maintaining Boundaries with Families

2 Training Objectives Participants will be able to: O Define the term boundaries as it relates to our work with children and families O State why maintaining boundaries with families is important O Identify strategies to establish and maintain boundaries with families, particularly those with whom we have dual relationships

3 What are boundaries? The personal limits we set within our relationships that allow for safe and appropriate connections with one another.

4 Why Focus on Boundaries? O Helps to define our working relationships with the families we serve O Helps us to maintain our objectivity when working with families O Assist us in avoiding burn-out O Keeps the focus of the visits on the family’s participation in the program

5 Boundaries Continuum Zone of Under InvolvedHelpfulness Over-Involved DistantEnmeshed ColdIntrusive DetachedDependent

6 What are challenges you have faced as a Home Visitor regarding boundaries with families?

7 Challenges to Boundaries O Dual relationship with the family (home visitor and friend/relative) O Intimate nature of home visiting O Family’s perception of the purpose of home visits and the role of the Home Visitor O Home Visitor’s desire to be liked by a family or to “rescue” them

8 What are strategies you have used to establish boundaries with families?

9 Setting Boundaries O Clarify roles and expectations from the beginning: O Purpose of the program O Role of the parent during visits O Role of the Home Visitor during visits O What the Home Visitor can and cannot provide for a family

10 Maintaining Boundaries O Remain objective when working with a family – keep emotions in check and program’s purpose in focus O Be aware of your own desires - to be liked by a family or to “rescue” them – signals you are no longer being objective O Talk with Supervisor or Co-Worker to reflect if you are struggling to maintain boundaries with a family

11 Disclosing Personal Info Benefits: O Reciprocity O Trust-building O Parents won’t feel alone in their journey O May help parents process their own feelings about their child or situation

12 Disclosing Personal Info Dangers: O Role-reversal, parents feel responsible for helping the professional O Could make parents feel uncomfortable O Could confuse parents about boundaries O Focus should be on the family and child

13 Before Disclosing Personal Information with a Family O Ask yourself who will the disclosure help – you or the family? O Talk with Supervisor first to reflect on whether or not the disclosure would cross boundaries.

14 Always Remember Your Role… My job as a Home Visitor is to support you and share with you what I know, but it is not to fix you. What you do with the information is up to you.

15 Last Thoughts: O When you violate your own boundaries or let another violate them, it unravels your life a little bit at a time. O Professional distance means having good personal boundaries and knowing when to let go.

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