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Zaid Ali Alsagoff L T SEA Framework 2 3. How can we use Technology to TRANSFORM Learning?

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Presentation on theme: "Zaid Ali Alsagoff L T SEA Framework 2 3. How can we use Technology to TRANSFORM Learning?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Zaid Ali Alsagoff L T SEA Framework 2 3

2 How can we use Technology to TRANSFORM Learning?

3 3 Frameworks

4 - Joy Zabala Image source (Slide 15):

5 TPACK Reproduced by permission of the publisher, © 2012 by - Matthew Koehler & Punya Mishra

6 The SAMR Model (Background and Exemplars): - Ruben Puentedura Image source:

7 SAMR TPACK SETT Something Missing?

8 RETHINKING 3 F + i = *F = Frameworks*i = Innovation L 2 T 3 SEA

9 ENVIRONMENT - Zaid Ali Alsagoff Digital Physical Training Support L2T3SEAL2T3SEAL2T3SEAL2T3SEA

10 ENVIRONMENT TEACHER Content x-Gogy Technology Motivation - Zaid Ali Alsagoff Digital Physical Training Support L 2 T 3 SEA

11 ENVIRONMENT STUDENTTEACHER Content Technology Motivation Technology Content - Zaid Ali Alsagoff Digital Physical Training Support L 2 T 3 SEA x-Gogy Learning-x

12 ENVIRONMENT STUDENTTEACHER Content Technology Motivation Technology Content LEARNING OUTCOME(S) ASSESSMENT LEARNING ACTIVITIES TOOL(S) - Zaid Ali Alsagoff Digital Physical Training Support L 2 T 3 SEA x-Gogy Learning-x

13 ENVIRONMENT STUDENTTEACHER Content Technology Motivation Technology Content LEARNING OUTCOME(S) ASSESSMENT LEARNING ACTIVITIES TOOL(S) Substitution Augmentation Modification Redefinition - Zaid Ali Alsagoff Digital Physical Training Support L 2 T 3 SEA x-Gogy Learning-x

14 ENVIRONMENT TRANSFORMATION STUDENTTEACHER Content Technology Motivation Technology Content LEARNING OUTCOME(S) ASSESSMENT LEARNING ACTIVITIES TOOL(S) Substitution Augmentation Modification Redefinition - Zaid Ali Alsagoff Digital Physical Training Support L 2 T 3 SEA x-Gogy Learning-x

15 ENVIRONMENT TRANSFORMATION Digital Physical STUDENTTEACHER Content Technology Motivation Learning-x Technology Content LEARNING OUTCOME(S) ASSESSMENT LEARNING ACTIVITIES TOOL(S) Substitution Augmentation Modification Redefinition - Zaid Ali Alsagoff Training Support L 2 T 3 SEA x-Gogy


17 Zaid Ali Alsagoff E-Learning Manager E-mail : Blog : Twitter: IMU : DID : +603-2731 7327 Ext. : 3115

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