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Food Labeling Legislation. What information do food labels provide consumers with? Why are food labels regulated by the government?

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Presentation on theme: "Food Labeling Legislation. What information do food labels provide consumers with? Why are food labels regulated by the government?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Food Labeling Legislation

2 What information do food labels provide consumers with? Why are food labels regulated by the government?

3 Legislation Consumer Packaging and Labelling Act and Regulations – “state that the products identity and net quantity as well as the manufacturer or producer’s name must be identified on the label” (Booth & Burke, 2014) Food and Drugs Act and Regulations – define what foods, drugs, cosmetics and medical devices are give general labelling and packaging requirements; Ensure advertising is true and accurate Ensure ingredients are safe to eat (Booth & Burke, 2014) Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) – enforces these policies if companies are not following them.

4 CFIA One of the jobs of the CFIA is to restrict some food claims on products to help Canadians make informed decisions. Example: In response to a large diet trend reducing the amount of carbohydrates in the diet, the CFIA has banned companies from using the following claims. Low carbohydrate Source of complex carbohydrates, reduced carbohydrates, and ‘light’ when referring to sugar products Words such as ultra or extra to qualify a nutritional claim. E.g. Ultra low fat. (Booth and Burke, 2014)

5 New Label Regulations As food and food products grow and advance the government needs to respond. Some new trends in labelling include: Organic foods Whole grain vs whole wheat Trans fats Ontario School Food and Beverage Policies

6 Public Service Announcement You are working for the Canadian Government. As a government official it is your job to educate Canadians on new label legislation. You will be doing a PSA on your topic. Topics Organic foods Whole grain vs whole wheat Trans fats Ontario School Food and Beverage Policies

7 PSA format Your PSA should include: A brief summary of the policy An explanation on why the policy was established Why it benefits the Canadian public Reference to scientific research that led to the creation of the policy. You can present in any format that you choose (e.g. video, presentation, radio segment, poster)

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