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ERASMUS INTERNATIONAL DAYS UNIVERSITY OF PRESOV 10 – 14 NOVEMBER 2008 A presentation of Queen Maud’s College of Early Childhood Education, Trondheim, Norway.

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Presentation on theme: "ERASMUS INTERNATIONAL DAYS UNIVERSITY OF PRESOV 10 – 14 NOVEMBER 2008 A presentation of Queen Maud’s College of Early Childhood Education, Trondheim, Norway."— Presentation transcript:

1 ERASMUS INTERNATIONAL DAYS UNIVERSITY OF PRESOV 10 – 14 NOVEMBER 2008 A presentation of Queen Maud’s College of Early Childhood Education, Trondheim, Norway Anne Sine van Marion International Coordinator

2 Contents of presentation 1.Trondheim 2.Queen Maud’s College of Early Childhood Education 3.Programme for International Students 4.International Cooperation and Work

3 Where is Trondheim








11 Trondheim a City for Students and Studies 170 000 inhabitants, every sixth citizen a student (about 30 000 students) Two university colleges: –Queen Maud’s (University) College of Early Childhood Education (QMC) –Sør-Trøndelag University College (HIST) One university : –Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)

12 Student Activities in Trondheim Music and cultural festivals annually. ISFIT: the world's largest international thematic student festival UKA: A three-week long biennial Student Festival The beautiful fjords, mountains and coastline of Trondheim are popular retreat areas Outdoor activities summer and winter: hiking, skiing, mountain climbing, rowing, fishing etc. [Girl/boyfriend guarantee: new students are officially guaranteed to find their future partner in the city before they graduate ]

13 The Red Round House = the Student Society


15 Queen Maud’s College of Early Childhood Education Campus Dalen


17 Retrospective glance at origin Queen Maud’s College was established in 1947 QMC was founded by an organisation within the Church and is today a private foundation built on Christian basic values. QMC is 100% funded by the Norwegian state

18 Competence and Commitment to the Children’s Best Interest QMC takes an active part in the constant battle to look after children’s needs and rights as well as to voice children’s perspectives in society. Focus on combining theory and practice Contributing to professional and personal development and growth through a good social environment and close mentoring of our students. QMC wants to educate competent and reflective kindergarten teachers and managers who will meet the children with respect and guide them in their “bildung” process.

19 Queen Maud’s College QMC is the only college in Norway with educational focus solely on Early Childhood Education Around 870 students and 90 highly professional employees. Research based teaching and a high production of academic publications and study books within the field of Early Childhood Education.

20 FEI: QMC’s Centre for Research, Further Education and Information The liaison body towards community and society A provider of competence, research, further education and professional mentoring within the field of Early Childhood and kindergarten Carries out research and development projects funded by municipality and county councils and government ministries as well as external research funds

21 Recruiting Men to ECE and Kindergartens An increase of male students from 10% to 21% QMC received The Gender Equality Prize for successfully recruiting men to the profession The organisation “Men in Kindergarten” consists of male students, QMC teachers and kindergarten teachers Meet monthly in their own forum to discuss, support ideas, balance the dominance of females in kindergartens

22 Bachelor in Early Childhood Education (3year full-time study course) Bachelor study programmes: 1.Main model (choice of 30ECTS of specialisation) 2.Focus on Drama, Art and Music 3.Focus on Nature and Outdoor Activities 4.International Understanding and Multi-cultural Work study programme The courses are taught in Norwegian

23 Further Education Drama Educational Mentoring Special Education Early Childhood Education and Care Nature and Outdoor Activities The courses are taught in Norwegian

24 Nature and Outdoor Activities

25 Master’s Degree Programmes The Master’s Degree Programmes are offered in cooperation with the NTNU: Special Education Early Childhood Education and Care New Master’s programme is developing in cooperation with the NTNU, HIST and HINT: Didactics of Aesthetical subjects

26 Combining Theory and Practice Extensive collaboration with kindergartens and schools –Children regularly invited to QMC to take part in arrangements for children as part of student course work Toddlers’ Day Children’s Day Children’s Theatre Festival Skiing and Sledging Day at the Frøset Farm

27 Toddlers’ Day 6 November


29 Children’s Day 30 April


31 Children’s Theatre Festival, 3-10 June


33 The Frøset Farm

34 Skiing and Sledging Day at the Frøset Farm

35 International Student Programmes 1.Comparing Childhoods, 15 (20)ECTS –13 week course taught in English in January to March –Aim is to prepare incoming students for their work in Norwegian kindergarten and outgoing students for their studies abroad (European and African students) –Introduction to Norwegian society –Nordic view on children; childhood; the role of play, nature and outdoor activities in learning; children’s rights –Cultural experiences –Brief course of Norwegian language –Practical training in kindergartens with experienced mentors

36 Erasmus Students on Excursion to Røros

37 2. Norwegian Kindergartens, Theory and Practice 15 (20) ECTS (August to November; April to July)  FLEXIBLE AND TAILOR MADE (e.g. combined with field work for Bachelor Dissertation) –Arts and Crafts –Nature and Outdoor Activities –Perspective on Nordic Early Childhood Education –Practical training in kindergartens with experienced mentors

38 Erasmus Students on Nature and Outdoor Excursion

39 Erasmus Student at Work in Kindergarten

40 Erasmus Students Properly Dressed for Outdoor Play

41 Housing for International Students All International students will be offered accommodation in one of the student villages.

42 International Network Erasmus Agreements with 11 European institutions 2009: –Story Telling Seminar with students and teachers from European and African countries Nordplus Network with 7 Nordic institutions 2009: –Intensive course for students “Children and Health – Winter Activities” Network for Preschool Teacher Training and Preschool Development in Southern Africa, student and teacher exchange Bilateral agreements for student exchange with 2 South African teacher training institutions

43 Network for Pre-school Teacher Training and Pre- school Development in Southern Africa QMC is leading Network for Pre-school Teacher Training and Pre-school Development in Southern Africa, namely Zambia, Namibia, Swaziland, Mosambique, Botswana and Tanzania. Has acquired a considerable competence in the field of Early Childhood Education, special education and kindergarten teacher training in developing countries. Arranges courses for staff and pre-school teachers prior to conferances within the Network

44 Course for Network for Preschool Teachers in Zambia 2008

45 Preparations using material from nature

46 Live Audience

47 New Modules for International Students QMC is in the process of developing new modules taught in English within Early Childhood Education: –Further education –Specialisation within a Bachelor’s Degree WE WISH NEW ERASMUS STUDENT WELCOME TO OUR UNIVERSITY COLLEGE. Thank you for your attention

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