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American Imperialism 1890 to 1920 Mr. Verria / North Kingstown High School The Spanish American War.

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1 American Imperialism 1890 to 1920 Mr. Verria / North Kingstown High School The Spanish American War

2 Spanish American War Focus Question Considering the outcome and results, was the United States entry into the Spanish American War justifiable? Supply as many reasons as possible for your position.

3 Spanish American War Reasons Advanced by the United States Stop Spanish Atrocities in Cuba Cuban Independence Spanish General Weyler (the Butcher) used brutal methods to control Cuban Revolutionaries in the 1890’s.

4 Spanish American War Other United States ‘Incentives’ Acquire Philippines Reduce Spanish Influence in the Western Hemisphere

5 Spanish American War “Sparks” Yellow Press Proliferation Delome Letter The Maine

6 Yellow Press

7 The Delome Letter criticized President McKinley as a “weak and a would be politician.” Public opinion greatly effected President McKinley and the decisions he made. Imperialism:1890 - 1920 Start of The Spanish-American War

8 The Maine sank to the bottom of Havana Harbor. There was much pressure on President McKinley to declare war. Imperialism:1890 - 1920 The Spanish-American War

9 The sinking of the Maine killed over 200 American Crew members. The nation mourned … … and demanded war.

10 When President McKinley first pursued the path of diplomacy instead of declaring war with Spain, Theodore Roosevelt characterized President McKinley as a politician” with the “backbone of a chocolate éclair.”

11 Imperialism:1890 - 1920 The Spanish-American War On April 19, 1898, Congress granted President McKinley a declaration of war with Spain.

12 Imperialism:1890 - 1920 The Spanish-American War Even though the war was supposedly fought to aid Cuba, the United States first attacked the Philippines - thousands of miles away from Cuba.

13 Imperialism:1890 - 1920 The Spanish-American War While the Spanish navy was no match for the United States, a ground campaign was more difficult to wage To aid in this effort Filipino nationalist Emilio Aguinaldo aided the U.S. effort.

14 The Filipinos fought and died for the cause … … a cause they thought was their own independence.

15 Imperialism:1890 - 1920 The Spanish-American War While the navy was better prepared for the war effort, the same could not be said for the army.

16 Imperialism:1890 - 1920 The Spanish-American War One of the most famed efforts of the Cuban campaign was Theodore Roosevelt’s Rough Riders who were credited with taking San Juan Hill.

17 Imperialism:1890 - 1920 The Spanish-American War The “forgotten” part of the Rough Rider’s legend was that they had been aided significantly by the all-black 10 th Cavalry Regiment.

18 Imperialism:1890 - 1920 The Spanish-American War General John Black Jack Pershing lead the Black Regiment at San Juan Hill

19 Imperialism:1890 - 1920 The Spanish-American War As a result of the American ground campaign Spanish General Admiral Pascual Cervera was forced out of Santiago and defeated at sea by American Admiral William T. Sampson.

20 American Imperialism Spanish American War With the defeat of the Spanish (1898) the United States was recognized as a major world power. The United States now had to decide how it would proceed in its new role.

21 American Imperialism Spanish American War After the Spanish American War, the United States gained control of Cuba (Platt Amendment) and the Philippines, annexed Guam and Wake Island, and took in Puerto Rico as a commonwealth.

22 Spanish American War Focus Question Considering the outcome and results, was the United States entry into the Spanish American War justifiable? Supply as many reasons as possible for your position.

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