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Welcome INDEPENDENCE MOVEMENT QUIZ TODAY. Independence Movements SOL WH. 14.

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2 Independence Movements SOL WH. 14

3 India The demand for self-rule, resulted in the creation of new states in the Indian sub- continent.

4 Mohandas Gandhi - India Leader of nationalist movement against British rule. Used non-violent civil disobedience and passive resistance Assassinated by a Hindu extremist on June 30, 1948

5 Jawaharlal Nehru - India Supported western-style industrialization Believed in non- alignment with superpowers (US or USSR)

6 Dividing the Subcontinent Independence caused the partition of India led to the creation of two countries in 1947, divided along. religious lines. Heavily Muslim areas in the far west and far east became Pakistan. The vast area in between, mostly Hindu, became India.

7 Pakistan and Bangladesh In March 1971, civil war broke out between the two regions. In December, India joined the war in support of East Pakistan. The war ended quickly, and East Pakistan won its independence as the republic of Bangladesh.

8 Sri Lanka Great Britain granted Ceylon independence in 1948; Known as Sri Lanka since 1972 Site of ethnic civil war since 1983 –Between Sinhalese/Buddhist and Tamils/Hindus

9 Republic of India World’s most populous democracy Federal System –States have many powers New economic development has eased financial problems of the nation.

10 Africa Motives for Independence –Right to self-determination by UN Charter –Pride in African Cultures and heritage –Resentment toward imperial rule and economic exploitation Loss of colonies by Great Britain, France, Belgium and Portugal through peaceful and violent revolutions after WWII.

11 Examples of Independence Movements Ghana (Britain) – peaceful transition Kenya ( Britain) – violent struggle under leadership of Jomo Kenyatta South Africa (Britain) – Black South Africans struggled against apartheid Algeria (France) – War for Independence Congo (Belgium) – regional tensions and civil wars

12 British Colonies Ghana was the first sub-Saharan British colony to gain independence. They achieved independence through the use of civil disobedience.

13 Kenya in East Africa Kenya experienced a violent transition into independence Mau Mau rebellion against the government. Jomo Kenyatta a nationalist leader during the independence struggle was the first president

14 South Africa Nationalist Afrikaners came to power in South Africa. –They legalized and strengthened a policy of apartheid or strict segregation Continued protest at home and abroad resulted in the gradual end to apartheid in South Africa.

15 Nelson Mandela Led the African National Congress –opposed white minority government and apartheid First black President in South Africa Won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993.

16 Middle East The mandate system established after World War I by the League of Nations and was phased out after World War II. –Syria and Lebanon were mandates of France –Palestine and Jordan were mandates of Great Britain With the end of the Mandates, new states were created in the Middle East –Israel

17 Middle East Conflicts Conflict arose between the Arabs and Jews in Palestine. Great Britain admitted its inability to keep the peace and turned Palestine over to the United Nations. The UN voted to partition Palestine into separate Jewish and Arab states.

18 On May 14, 1948 Israel declared its independence as a sovereign Jewish state

19 Golda Meir Israel’s first woman Prime Minister Led Israel to victory in Yom Kippur War –Arabs from Egypt and Syria attacked Israel. –October 6 - 25, 1973 Sought support of the United States

20 Gamal Abdul Nasser President of Egypt Nationalized Suez Canal Established a relationship with the Soviet Union Built the Aswan High Dam

21 Nationalizing the Suez Canal meant that all countries could use the canal What bodies of water does the canal connect?

22 The dam prevented the yearly flooding of the Nile River in Egypt

23 WHII.14 TEST When finished…..turn into the back of your folder and sit quietly at your desk


25 Battleship! How to Setup Place your ships on the board using a colored pencil, you will need the following ships: Aircraft CarrierFive squares BattleshipFour squares DestroyerThree squares SubmarineTwo squares

26 Battleship! How to Play Using the coordinates, take guesses as to where your opponents ship is located. –A4? If you guess right on where a ship is located you must then answer a World History II question in order to actually hit the ship. If you answer incorrectly, your turn is over. If you answer correctly you hit the ship and it is now your opponents turn. If you do not guess the right location of the ship, your turn is over. USING YOUR PEN MARK ON THE BOARD BELOW WHERE YOUR SHIPS ARE LOCATED. ON THE BOARD ATTACHED, PLOT OUT WHERE YOU HIT OR MISSED YOUR OPPONENTS SHIPS USING YOUR PEN MARK ON THE BOARD BELOW WHERE YOUR SHIPS ARE LOCATED. ON THE BOARD ATTACHED, PLOT OUT WHERE YOU HIT OR MISSED YOUR OPPONENTS SHIPS


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