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Status of CEPC Beam Instrumentation Study Ma Huizhou On behalf of CEPC BI Group Beijing, China 2016.6.21.

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Presentation on theme: "Status of CEPC Beam Instrumentation Study Ma Huizhou On behalf of CEPC BI Group Beijing, China 2016.6.21."— Presentation transcript:

1 Status of CEPC Beam Instrumentation Study Ma Huizhou On behalf of CEPC BI Group Beijing, China 2016.6.21

2 Outline Introduction of CEPC beam position monitor BPM electronics R&D – Signal distribution study – Rear Transition Module ( RTM ) – Advanced Mezzanine Card ( AMC ) Plan of this year

3 Introduction of CEPC beam position monitor (BPM) To provide the beam position and orbit, the base of other machine parameters measurement Apart from some specific BPMs, there will be one BPM for each Q-magnet, the total number of BPM is 2324 in storage ring There are 1436 BPMs in booster and 70 BPMs in linac.

4 Motivation To reduce the budget of BI system, due to a large number of beam position monitors and the high price of commercial products. Customized for different part of CEPC. Booster, Linac and storage ring. Easy to maintain and upgrade.

5 Efforts of BPM electronic The electronic development is divided into two parts: signal distribution and BPM electronics. BPM electronicsSignal distribution electronics

6 Signal distribution study cooperate with team of Prof. An Qi in USTC Amplitude and discriminator method Amplitude and high speed ADC method

7 Signal distribution study Using the system clock and system trigger to distribute the different signal

8 The BPM electronics DBPM_AMCDBPM_RTM Micro TCA.4 “AMC+RTM”

9 Efforts of RTM electronic

10 Before: -40dBm After: -52dBm Space signal crosstalk is the main interference ! Test of RTM electronic v1.0

11 The modification of the RTM V2.0 Add on Quasi-Crossbar Switch Exchange amplifier Control logic circuit Power supply optimization 。。。

12 Test of RTM electronic v2.0  RTM V1.0 and V2.0 is finished Bandpass performance RTM V1.0 Bandpass performance RTM V2.0 Significant promotion in bandpass performance and flatness !

13 RF interference shielding cover 1 、 Shielding RF 2 、 help cooling down PCB

14 The temperature of RTM Non shielding 37.5 ℃ Non shielding 37.5 ℃ After shielded 26.9 ℃ After shielded 26.9 ℃

15 Efforts of AMC electronic AMC version 1.0 – PCB welding ( finished ) – Power supply debugging ( finished ) – FPGA loading and debugging ( finished ) – ADC & clock ( finished && error ) – DAQ by UDP ( finished )

16 AMC PCB board and welding

17 AMC debugging

18 The modification of the AMC Adjustable ADC clock Modify PS to solve overheated FLASH memory ; Clock circuit ; Global reset function ; 。。。

19 Signal processing and algorithm Xilinx System Generator The simulation of TBT 、 COD and Fast modes are finished in Matlab

20 The result of TBT Mode DDCCORDIC 1 Signal processing and algorithm

21 Plan of this year Signal distribution solution Joint debugging of RTM and AMC Verify signal processing and algorithm in commercial Macro TCA platform

22 Acknowledgement Thanks to the DBPM R&D Group: Wei Shujun, Du Yaoyao, Liu Fang, Zhang Peng, Wang Zhizhuo. Thanks also give people who shares pictures of this talk.

23 Thank you for your attention!

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