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Knowledge of Faith Liturgical Life Moral Formation Prayer Communal Life Missionary Spirit 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000.

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Presentation on theme: "Knowledge of Faith Liturgical Life Moral Formation Prayer Communal Life Missionary Spirit 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000."— Presentation transcript:

1 Knowledge of Faith Liturgical Life Moral Formation Prayer Communal Life Missionary Spirit 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

2 Sundays and other holy days are good for going to mass and performing works of mercy because God asks us to… Keep the Sabbath Holy

3 The idea that 3 people can each be really and fully God is represented in the Catholic belief of… The Holy Trinity

4 Diversity A means by which people worship God in their own place and way of life, such as using music, art, language, and celebration that expresses their culture is an example of the Church’s….

5 Virtue of Faith A gift by which we believe in God and all God has revealed is called…

6 Communion of Saints The union of believers, living and dead, who form one body in Christ is called the…

7 The Nicene Creed A summary of the essential beliefs of the Catholic Faith is called…

8 The theme that is central to Jesus’ mission was… Proclaiming the kingdom of God

9 The mystery by which the Son of God became man is called… Incarnation

10 The book of the Bible which contains creation stories is… Genesis

11 He wrote Summa Theologica and was called “Dumb Ox”, but is one of the major Doctors of the Church. Saint Thomas Aquinas

12 Matthew 5:58 states “Be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.” What does this mean? Live a life of holiness

13 Faithful followers of Christ are called… Disciples

14 True or False…God offers grace and strength to those who pray. True

15 The highest teaching authority in the church is… The pope united with the bishops (The Magisterium)

16 True or False…Lay people typically participate in the Church’s mission to evangelize by the example of our life and good works. True

17 The movement toward unity among Christians is called… Ecumenism

18 True or False…All baptized members of the Catholic Church have the responsibility to be actively involved in the life of the parish. True

19 We celebrate the ____________ because they are Christ’s acting through the Church that transforms us. Sacraments

20 True or False…Catholics are obliged to receive Holy Communion at least once a year in the Easter season True

21 Anointing the forehead with Sacred Chrism with a minister saying “Be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit” is essential to the sacrament of… Confirmation

22 God set a rainbow in the clouds promising to never devastate the earth by water again. This is an example of a… Covenant

23 The first American-born saint is… St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

24 The most important act of worship of the Catholic community is the… Mass

25 Catholic social teaching asks that all Catholics show concern for the well- being of all people. This is called the rule of… The Common Good

26 Jesus’ suffering, death, resurrection, and ascension are called the… Paschal Mystery

27 Jesus’ returning to heaven is called the… Ascension

28 In the story of the Prodigal Son, Jesus teaches us that God offers us forgiveness. This story is an example of a… Parable

29 Catholic social teachings states human beings are made in God’s image and likeness and this gives us… Dignity

30 The moral law God’s grace, and the voice of a well-formed conscience are the foundations for living the… Moral life

31 Match the colors to their liturgical season… Red = ___________________________ White = _________________________ Purple = _________________________ Green = _________________________ The Triduum Christmas and Easter Advent and Lent Ordinary Time

32 The father of God’s Chosen People was… Abraham

33 The primary focus of the Catholic Mass is the celebration of Jesus’ __________ for us. sacrifice

34 Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is a devotion to Jesus present in the… Eucharist

35 Prayer that asks for God’s mercy, forgiveness and assistance is a Prayer of… Petition

36 Name the 3 expressions of prayer basic to the life of prayer for a Christian disciple. Vocal Prayer Meditation Contemplative Prayer

37 Name 3 parts of the Bible which describe Christian morality Ten Commandments Beatitudes Two Great Commandments

38 The 8 characteristics of discipleship that Jesus describes in the Sermon on the Mount are called the… Beatitudes

39 True or False…The prayers of sinners go unanswered by God. False

40 Objects, actions and blessings that help us grow in holiness are called… Sacramentals

41 True or False…God guarantees that one will receive what one prays for. False

42 Two basic principles of Catholic social teaching are… The common good The dignity of the human person

43 Name the 2 Great Commandments Love God above all Love your neighbor as yourself

44 According to the Catholic Church life begins at _________. Conception

45 Choosing to act in a manner which offends God is called… Sin

46 Priests and nuns have answered a call from God to serve him and others, embracing a life of holiness known as a… Vocation

47 The person who assists the Priest in many duties through the church, including proclaiming the Gospel, is called the… Deacon

48 An Old Testament rainbow is a symbol of what promise… God will not devastate the Earth with water again.

49 Holy people are people who seek to do… God’s will

50 Saints who died for their faith are called… Martyrs

51 Complete the 10 Commandments 1. I am the ________________ your God: you shall not have ________________ Gods before me. 2. You shall not take the ________________ of the LORD your God in ________________ 3. Remember to keep holy the ________________ Day 4. Honor your ________________ and your ________________. 5. You shall not ________________. 6. You shall not commit ________________. 7. You shall not ________________. 8. You shall not bear false ________________ against your ________________. 9. You shall not covet your neighbor's ________________. 10. You shall not covet your neighbor's ________________. goods other LORD name vain LORD’s fathermother kill adultery steal witness neighbor wife

52 The day the Holy Spirit came to the disciples is called… Pentecost

53 A collection of books written under God’s inspiration is called the… Bible

54 In which bible verse does Jesus call us to evangelize? Go and make disciples of all nations.

55 The event in which Mary was taken into heaven, body and soul, at the end of her earthly life is called the… Assumption

56 The process of preparing people for Christian initiation is called… Catechumenate

57 The most recently held Ecumenical Council of the Catholic Church is called… Vatican II

58 If you go out and share the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ you are participating in… Evangelization

59 The Church’s office that teaches matters of faith and morals is called the… Magisterium

60 A term meaning “universal” is… Catholic

61 Mother Teresa founded the… Missionaries for Charity

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