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Forming Boards of Specified Jurisdiction Mary Kay Tschanz, Principal St. James School, Highwood September 17, 2008 Archdiocesan Development Council.

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Presentation on theme: "Forming Boards of Specified Jurisdiction Mary Kay Tschanz, Principal St. James School, Highwood September 17, 2008 Archdiocesan Development Council."— Presentation transcript:

1 Forming Boards of Specified Jurisdiction Mary Kay Tschanz, Principal St. James School, Highwood September 17, 2008 Archdiocesan Development Council

2 Identification of Potential Members. Identify potential members from numerous groups of people Parishioners Alumni/ae Parents of alumni/ae or former students Pillars of the community Local business leaders/Chamber of Commerce The Notre Dame Club High school presidents, principals, board members Suggestions from other board members The pastor Current parents Current advisory board members

3 Recruitment Make telephone calls. Write letters to people of interest. Invite potential candidates to come to the school to meet. Ask current board members to talk to their friends and associates.

4 Selection Analyze the needs of the Board Financial Catholic Identity… Mission Effectiveness Marketing Development Educational Buildings and Grounds Ask candidates to complete a questionnaire which will gauge their commitment to Catholic education and expertise/experience. I used a form created by Carmel Catholic High School and adapted it to the needs of our elementary school.

5 Orientation of New Members Transformation from Advisory Board to Board of Specified Jurisdiction I needed help to make the change. Current advisory board members needed to understand reasons for change and similarities and differences. Understand the spirituality of what we were trying to accomplish.

6 Orientation Process Invite personnel from OCS to assist in the orientation. Father Bob Kroll and Carol Palmer were wonderful in the assistance they provided. Day of Reflection and formation on a Saturday in August. Utilize the expertise of board members, especially those who have had experience on other boards. Attend OCS workshops for members of Boards of Specified Jurisdiction. Encourage members to become familiar with the materials provided by OCS.

7 The Nominating Committee and its Responsibilities Current members suggest candidates. All members were asked to bring one name to the April or May meeting. Be sure that people are sought for the talents they have to offer to the board. Candidates are asked to complete the application questionnaire. The Nominating Committee or Executive Committee discusses the pros and cons of a particular candidate’s attributes. Candidates are asked to commit to three year term, and are informed as to what is expected of them.

8 Board Committees Constitution and By-laws clearly define the committee structure Executive Fiscal Management and Physical Resource Institutional Advancement Communications Development Marketing Enrollment Management Ministry Effectiveness Policy and Planning We had to decide on ways to combine some committees to accommodate the small size of our board. (currently 9 members)

9 Recognition, Retention and Appreciation This is an area where I feel I should do more. Members donate a sizable amount of time and effort. There is little payback outside of a feeling of personal satisfaction. Hopefully it provides opportunity for new friendships and social gatherings, as well as business meetings. Finding a way to say thank you to these people on a regular basis is very important. I want to establish a tradition of giving thanks to those who have served faithfully.

10 Retention To begin, our members were asked to commit to terms of one, two or three years. Each would then be eligible for one more three year term. To retain members, it is important that they see that they are accomplishing something very worthwhile. Meeting goals and seeing progress is essential.

11 Appreciation Our pastor hosted a thank you Barbeque in his garden on the evening of our June meeting.

12 Committee and Board Meeting Management Members choose to serve on committees which utilize their particular skills. Committee chairs notify Executive Committee of their upcoming meetings: time/place Prior to Executive meeting, all committees are asked to e-mail their reports to the chair and principal. At Executive Committee meeting, the Chair, Vice Chair, pastor and principal: Review committee reports Plan the agenda E-mail packet of reports and agenda to full board.

13 Meeting Management (cont.) Members are expected to review reports and formulate questions and comments, as needed, before the meeting. Committee work is to be done during the month between meetings. During our first year we continued to meet monthly. This year we hope to meet every other month to avoid taxing members. Board meeting is used to report, clarify and seek advise and approval, etc.

14 Board Member Expectations Commitment to values of Catholic education Professionalism Desire to put active effort into the mission Active participation on committees Faithful attendance at meetings ~as schedules permit Confidentiality

15 Expectations (cont.) Willingness to practice stewardship Financial contributions to school, as able. Willingness to solicit financial contributions from others. Participation in social activities, as able. Willingness to meet with parents from time to time, at various events.

16 Expectations Seek knowledge of the life and culture of the school Read newsletters Read parish bulletins Meet faculty Meet students Meet parents Attend events

17 Conclusion Ours is still a work in progress I am convinced of the benefits of moving to a Board of Specified Jurisdiction. People with far more expertise than I have in many areas are there to help me. Gives notice to the parish and community that there are good, talented, professional people who believe in this school. Encourages the faculty. Gets things done!

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