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Energize your Recruitment Strategy! Find it, Harness it— PUT IT TO WORK FOR YOU!

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Presentation on theme: "Energize your Recruitment Strategy! Find it, Harness it— PUT IT TO WORK FOR YOU!"— Presentation transcript:


2 Energize your Recruitment Strategy! Find it, Harness it— PUT IT TO WORK FOR YOU!

3 Recruitment Types 1:1 Mentors Professional Recruitments – Corporate/Business Faith-based Recruitments Alumni Recruitments Older Mentors

4 1:1 Recruitments

5 Who Can Recruit 1:1 School Faculty Current Rockstar Mentors Board Members Coordinators

6 Who utilizes 1:1 recruitments?

7 1:1 Recruiting Materials Use our tookit! Who would be a good recruiter?

8 Workplace Recruitment

9 Workplace Recruitments Corporate/business – Use our tookit!Use our tookit! Adopt-a-School Partners Local organization Young Professional Groups

10 Who recruits at a workplace?

11 Different Types of Recruitments Roadshow – Full Court Press Themed Recruitment Friendly Competition Mentor Meet-Up

12 How to recruit within the workplace Track where you go Steward your contacts Ask businesses if they’d be willing promote logo or display promotional items. Mentor or mentee testimony Mentor or mentee testimony

13 Faith-based Recruitments

14 Faith-based Contacts Pastors Ministerial Associations Session/Trustees Mission Chairperson Other Church Leader

15 How to Recruit in the Church Use our toolkit! Use our toolkit Schedule a 1:1 appointment with the pastor Follow up with a phone call Host a breakfast, luncheon, or give a sermon

16 Who utilizes Faith- based Recruitments?

17 Recruiting Alumni

18 Alumni Recruitments Reach out to Alumni Association and team up to gather names and contact info of alumni. Hang posters during different parts of the year when alumni come back. Put up table tents at Alumni banquets or other activities. Use our toolkit! Use our toolkit

19 Who stewards an alumni recruitment campaign?

20 Recruiting Older Mentors

21 Older Mentors Our average mentor is in their mid-40’s. Hang posters around local retirement communities, senior centers, post offices, and restaurants that may attract older future mentors. Use our toolkit! Use our toolkit

22 Who campaigns to recruit older mentors?

23 Marketing/Branding Materials Store-Other

24 Recruitment Tips Create a goal or recruitment plan for the year Plan ahead! Mentor/Mentee Testimony Sign-up sheet for names and emails Follow up! Thank You Notes

25 Fundraising Special Events Ask Events Case Statement Pledge Card TeamMates Advantage Runza Day/Jersey Day/Jeans Day

26 Media Relations

27 Guidelines Media Guidelines (share with your media partner) Please only share a mentee’s first name Have a mentee and mentor fill out an image release form. Please share the amount of information you would share about your own child. Try to only share a mentee’s school district

28 Social Media Utilize the Central Office’s Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and LinkedIn pages. If you have a special activity or recognition, please email Hannah Paczkowski at Feel free to use any of our profile photos or cover photos on your personal Facebook page.

29 Let’s do it! Customize your press release – ready to send.

30 Feeling energized?! How are you going to put it to work for you?!

31 Questions? Hannah Paczkowski 319-610-8538

32 Get Your Calendars Out! April 5- Runza Day July- 25th Anniversary/ Website Unveiling August-November: Coaches Challenge January- National Mentoring Month **Encourage your Board Recruitment Chair to join us on these conference calls!

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