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Good Morning! Please grab a handout from the front cart, titled: “SSR Policies, Expectations, and Project” We will discuss the handout when class begins.

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Presentation on theme: "Good Morning! Please grab a handout from the front cart, titled: “SSR Policies, Expectations, and Project” We will discuss the handout when class begins."— Presentation transcript:

1 Good Morning! Please grab a handout from the front cart, titled: “SSR Policies, Expectations, and Project” We will discuss the handout when class begins.

2 What is SSR? Silent Sustained Reading When? During designated class time and on your own time During designated SSR time in class, you will be expected to stay awake while actively reading your chosen SSR book. Failure to do so will result in the deduction of your total SSR grade. A major SSR grade will be given monthly, and the only criterion are to have an approved book in class every day and to be diligently reading during the designated SSR time. How? You can check out a book in the library; ask me for a pass if you need a new book, or if you need to renew your book. Digital devices are welcome but only using the apps for Kindle, Nook, or iBooks. Visual confirmation is required before permission will be given. Permission will be revoked on an individual basis if the privilege is abused. Device must be flat on the desk and visible at all times.

3 Participation: You will receive a major grade for your participation in SSR class time. ◦Here’s how you lose points: fall asleep, eyes closed, staring off into space, not having an SSR book, not having the book open, not actively reading, talking to a friend, doing homework etc. ◦You will receive a monthly SSR Participation major grade.

4 Project: You are required to complete an SSR project during each quarter. The project consists of two main components that will be averaged together to create a 2 nd major SSR grade: ◦Double-Entry Journal (DEJ): You are required to keep a DEJ of your SSR book. You will record one of the following for every 15 pages that you read in your novel, as well as the page numbers:  Questions—these can be questions you wish to ask the author about the book to clarify confusing passages, questions you would ask to spark a conversation about the novel, or questions you wish you could ask the character(s)  Literary Devices—you can record and identify literary devices as you read  Major plot events—take a note of major events that occur, explain the event and its significance in the “journal” side of your DEJ ◦Project: all options for the project will be listed on the back of this page. You cannot do the same project more than once a semester.

5 PG# and quoted text (if necessary) Required response -question, literary device identification, major plot event summaries Every 15 pages!!!! MLA Heading Title & Author of book PG# and quoted text (if necessary) Required response -question, literary device identification, major plot event summaries 1. 2.

6 1. The Mix Tape: a playlist Create a playlist to go with your SSR book. Your playlist must have at least five songs. You must include the email the link, embed the video, do what you need to so I can listen to the actual (censored version if necessary) song. You may choose songs based on characters, plot elements, the book as a whole, settings, themes, and the problem/solution. Each song must have a one paragraph (5-8 sentences) explanation which states why you chose it to fit a particular part of your book. **Make sure these songs are SCHOOL APPROPRIATE! Inappropriate work will not be accepted, and a ZERO will be given.** Recommendation: Create a document in Google Drive through Google Classroom, burn a CD, or e- mail me a link to a YouTube video that compiles all of the required information.

7 2. The ABCs: an ABC book Create an ABC book for your SSR book. Each letter of the alphabet should be represented by something from your book: characters, settings, plot elements, themes, the book as a whole, problem/solution, etc. You may have to get creative with some of the letters because you have to use all of them and yes, they have to be in order. Every letter must have an image and at least one complete sentence explaining the connection between the letter and the element from the book. Recommendation: Create a Google Slides presentation through Google Classroom, use PowerPoint, or create on paper.

8 3. The Advertisement: a bulletin board, display, presentation Create a persuasive bulletin board to convince others to read your SSR book. Combine text and images to convince potential readers that this is the book for them! The presentation/board should be visual appealing and organized. It should both grab the reader's attention and give accurate information. The text parts of the board should equal one page of writing. Recommendation: Create a Google Slides presentation through Google Classroom, PowerPoint, or create on paper.

9 4. The Cover: a book jacket You will create a book jacket for your SSR book. Your book jacket will be creative, colorful, artistic, and error-free. It will include the following: a front and back cover, the book’s title and author, colorful *original* illustrations on the front and back, 6 sentence summary of the book on the back, and 2 creative quotes that “brag” on the book. Recommendation: Use poster paper or construction paper to create a book jacket by hand

10 Due Dates! 1 st project will be due: October 12 th 2 nd project will be due: December 7 th

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