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DIGESTIVE SYSTEM 0072  Have your digestive system notes and diagram on your desk.  Have on your desk 5 different color pencils or markers.

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Presentation on theme: "DIGESTIVE SYSTEM 0072  Have your digestive system notes and diagram on your desk.  Have on your desk 5 different color pencils or markers."— Presentation transcript:

1 DIGESTIVE SYSTEM 0072  Have your digestive system notes and diagram on your desk.  Have on your desk 5 different color pencils or markers.

2 TODAY’S AGENDA DIGESTIVE SYSTEM  Finish digestive system notes and diagram.  Coloring and labeling the digestive system.  Digestive System Quiz

3  Peristalsis performs what actions?  How long does food need to remain in the stomach for proper digestion?  Name the 3 accessory digestive organs discussed in class.


5  Mouth Teeth Salivary glands  Mechanical vs chemical  Pharynx  Esophagus Food tube  Posterior to trachea

6  Smooth muscle  Mechanical-chemical digestion  3 hours  Held by special sphincter muscles  Heart burn?

7  20 ft long  3 sections Duodenum Jejunum Ileum  Most digestion and absorption occurs  Accessory organs  Liver, pancreas, gall bladder

8  5 ft long  Water and salt reabsorbed - Average time 24 hours - Diarrhea - Constipation

9  Digest Food  Absorb nutrients into the blood stream.  Remove waste from the body.




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