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Education in the Dominican Republic. The Basics All students are required to attend kinder-8 th grade. This is known as “basica”. Most students attend.

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Presentation on theme: "Education in the Dominican Republic. The Basics All students are required to attend kinder-8 th grade. This is known as “basica”. Most students attend."— Presentation transcript:

1 Education in the Dominican Republic

2 The Basics All students are required to attend kinder-8 th grade. This is known as “basica”. Most students attend school for half a day (tanda unica). But this is now changing. After basica students attend “liceo” which is the equivalent high school in the United States. The required subjects include: Math, Lengua Española,.

3 Key Statistics: 80% of children & the youth in the DR attend public schools. 96% rate of literacy for youth ages 15-24 years. 100% primary school enrollment rate.

4 For every 100 Dominican students who enter school: 75 complete 4 th grade 63 complete 6 th grade 52 complete 8 th grade One out of every two Dominican students will not complete high school. Even students who complete school may be missing some basic skills. The Challenge

5 Recent Reforms Increase in Funding: Historically the Dominican Republic had spent significantly less of its budget on education than other Latin American countries. Since 2012 the government has committed to spending at least 4% of its GDP on education (which more than doubles education spending). Implementation of “Tanda Unica”: As of the 2013-2014 school the year the government has slowly begun rolling out “tanda unica’” schools. This means that children will attend school a full instead of a half day. By 2018 all students should have access to a full day of school.

6 Who are DREAM students? Your students will be between 8-14 years of age. Most of them would be defined as “underprivileged” in the States. Few have parents who completed more than a high school education. Most read at or below a second grade level and some older students may be lacking in basic math & literacy skills. All of them are excited to meet you

7 ¿Questions? Please email Gerardo or me (Rebeca) with any questions you might have about education in the D.R. or DREAM’s students in particular.

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