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Impact of Napoleon annexed land near the Rhine River He made the Rhine Confederation reducing German principalities to 39 from 300 Some Germans enjoyed.

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Presentation on theme: "Impact of Napoleon annexed land near the Rhine River He made the Rhine Confederation reducing German principalities to 39 from 300 Some Germans enjoyed."— Presentation transcript:


2 Impact of Napoleon annexed land near the Rhine River He made the Rhine Confederation reducing German principalities to 39 from 300 Some Germans enjoyed the changes Napoleon made others wanted a United German State The Congress of Vienna did not help Germany Unite because it would need to break up the many small German state governments Instead a weak alliance was formed between the states

3 The “Host” Prince Klemens von Metternich (Aus.) Foreign Minister, Viscount Castlereagh (Britain) Tsar Alexander I (Russia) King Frederick William III (Prussia) Foreign Minister, Charles Maurice de Tallyrand (France) Who were the key players at Vienna? 3

4 Principle of Intervention The great powers of Europe wanted a balance of power If a revolution took place in a European country other European powers would send in armies to restore the monarch Britain refused the policy while others agreed to it

5 Revolutionary Ideas Conservatives wanted to keep tradition in society Keep monarchs and old laws Liberals wanted to use the ideas of the enlightenment They looked towards the American government for inspiration The Bill of Rights reflected these ideas

6 Another Revolution in France Liberals overthrew Charles X in 1830 and set up a constitutional monarchy under Louis-Philippe Louis-Philippe was overthrown in 1848 when he refused to make changes in the government France established the Second Republic of France and elected a president, Luis Napoleon, using universal male suffrage


8 German Unification Prussia had become the strongest German state Other German States were politically fragile Prussia was known for its Militarism which is reliance on military strength

9 Bismarck King William I named Otto von Bismarck becomes Chancellor (Prime Minister) of Prussia in the 1862 He would Unite Germany under Prussian rule He was a master of Realpolitik or real politics based on the needs of the state He built up the Prussian army

10 War With Denmark and Austria Bismarck allied with Austria to attack land in Denmark The land taken had many German speaking natives Bismarck then attacked Austria in the Austro – Prussian War War lasted 7 weeks Prussia won and annexed several north German States


12 German Unification Southern states ally with the north because they fear France Prussia goes to war with France July 19, 1870 France surrenders January 28, 1871 and gives Germany 5 Billion Francs and the territory of Alsace and Lorraine


14 German Unification Before the Franco-Prussian war ended southern Germany agreed to enter the German Confederation January 18, 1871 William I is crowned Kaiser of the Second German Empire or Second Reich Constitution made a 2 house legislature Upper house-Bundesrat-Members appointed by leaders of the German states Lower House-Reichstag elected by universal male suffrage Germany had become the strongest country in Europe

15 German Industry German shipping was second in the world Large coal and Iron resources Population grew from 41 million in 1871 to 67 Million in 1914 Produced steel and weapons for the world market

16 Kaiser William II Became Kaiser after his grandfather’s death William II asked Bismarck to resign He believed there was only one master of the Reich William II invested money into the German military machine


18 Italian Unification People of Italy wanted unification They shared common language and culture When movements towards unification were made they were put down by other countries Giuseppe Mazzini founded young Italy and helped to set up a revolutionary republic in Rome It was toppled by French forces

19 Italian Unification The North had been dominated by Austrian rule They looked to the Northern State of Piedmont (part of the kingdom of Sardinia) for leadership Piedmont was led by King Victor Emmanuel II and Prime Minister Cavour Cavour provoked war with Austria and won They annexed Lombardy and it joined the Kingdom of Sardinia


21 Italian Unification A new leader from the south will emerge in Italy named Giuseppe Garibaldi He raises an army of 1,000 men called the redshirts Garibaldi attacks the Kingdom of Two Sicilies


23 Italian Unification Garibaldi’s forces moved north up the peninsula The Kingdom of Two Sicilies fell to Garibaldi’s forces Garibaldi meets with forces from Piedmont at Naples and on March 17, 1861 The kingdom of Italy is formed under King Victor Emanual II Two areas remained out of Italian control Rome and Venetia Both of these territories were claimed by 1870 and Italy was united


25 Challenges in Italy The North was wealthy the south was poor The Pope urged Catholics to resist Italian rule Victor Emanuel was a constitutional monarch Anarchists wanted to overthrow his government The government extended more suffrage to men Many Italians emigrated from Italy to the US, Canada, and Latin America


27 Austria The Hapsburgs are the oldest ruling family in Europe Since the Congress of Vienna Austria is run by Fansis I and his foreign minister Metternich Industrialization was limited because it would threaten the old ways Industry and cities would spring up in the 1840s

28 Austria Austria had 50 million people of different backgrounds German speaking Austrians made up less then half Slavic groups, including Czechs, Slovaks, Poles, Ukrainians, Romanians, Serbs, Croats, Slovenes Hungarians and Italians

29 Austria The Compromise of 1867 creates the duel monarchy of Austria-Hungary They had one monarch Francis Joseph and one army They each had their own constitution, legislature, and capital (Budapest, Vienna) Slavic people wanted their own countries and did not like the compromise


31 Balkans Controlled by the Ottoman Empire Serbia won freedom in 1817 Southern Greece won independence in 1830


33 Russia Russia had become a vast Empire stretching from Europe to the Pacific ocean Western Europe disliked the autocratic governemnt

34 Russia Nobles dominated society and resisted change Most people were serfs who were forced to work on the nobles land or serve in the Czar’s army Many enlightened Russians knew serfdom was inefficient

35 Russia Alexander II takes the throne during the Crimean War He issues an emancipation freeing the serfs and they are given land The land is not fertile and most serfs could not make a living

36 Russia Alexander II’s reforms Created the zemstvos who were responsible for agriculture, roads, and schools Trial by jury Encouraged growth of Industry

37 Reaction to change Peasants had freedom but no land Liberals wanted a constitution March 1881 Czar Alexander II was assassinated Alexander III responded to his fathers assassination by returning to Nicholas’s methods Increased power of the secret police, restored censorship, exiled critics One language one church


39 Alexander III Persecution of Jewish People Limited the number of Jews that could go to universities and study law and medicine Jews had to live in restricted areas Many Russian Jews left and moved to places like the US

40 Industry Alexander III and his son Nicholas II pushed Russia into the industrial age Encouraged rail road building to link coal and Iron mines Trans-Siberian rail road was built to link European Russia with the Pacific ocean Many people moved to cities


42 Great Britain  1815 Britain is a constitutional monarchy  Less then 5% of people had the right to vote  1832- Parliament passed bill increasing the number of male voters  They Avoid Revolution because the middle class shared in the prosperity of the Industrial Revolution

43 Victorian Age Queen Victoria rules over Great Britain from 1837-1901 Longest reign in British History Britain becomes more democratic By the 1880s there is almost complete universal male suffrage All males could vote Also votes were cast in a secret ballet


45 France Louis-Napoleon (Napoleon III) asked voters to name him emperor, they do by 97% vote He restricted civil liberties and ruled as an Authoritarian, total control He rebuilt Old France and economy flourished His empire falls however after the Franco-Prussian war

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