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World History Unit 1.  The same 5 main social institutions exist in all societies  Social Institutions:  Established sets of norms and subsystems that.

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1 World History Unit 1

2  The same 5 main social institutions exist in all societies  Social Institutions:  Established sets of norms and subsystems that support each society’s survival and structure

3  ROLE: Responsible for the development and implementation of rules as well as the managing of relations with other societies  Monarchy  Democracy  Authoritarian  Totalitarianism

4  ROLE: Responsible for the production and distribution of goods in a society  Capitalism  Socialism

5  ROLE: Responsible for the nurturing and socializing of children, providing a sense of belonging and identity, and the passing on of traditions and cultures between generations  Nuclear Family  Extended Family

6  ROLE: Responsible for answering our larger questions and explaining the seemingly inexplicable  Christianity  Islam  Judaism  Hinduism  Buddhism

7  ROLE: Responsible for the preparation of children for adulthood  Public Education  Private Education

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