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Slow Control System at experiment 02.07.2016D. Egorov Slow Control System at V. Shutov, D. Egorov, R. Nagdasev 1/15.

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Presentation on theme: "Slow Control System at experiment 02.07.2016D. Egorov Slow Control System at V. Shutov, D. Egorov, R. Nagdasev 1/15."— Presentation transcript:

1 Slow Control System at BM@N experiment 02.07.2016D. Egorov Slow Control System at BM@N V. Shutov, D. Egorov, R. Nagdasev 1/15

2 Contents: Overview of the BM@N setup Slow Control System and Tango Control System Results and future plans 02.07.2016D. Egorov Slow Control System at BM@N2/15

3 Nuclotron BM@N area BM@N beam line from the Nuclotron Building 205 ~ 160 m 02.07.2016 D. Egorov Slow Control System at BM@N 3/15

4 Main systems of the BM@N setup 2 m Central tracker (GEM) Outer tracker (DCH, Straw) ToF system ZDC calorimeter Centrality trigger and beam monitors Magnet SP-41 Electromagnetic calorimeter 02.07.2016 D. Egorov Slow Control System at BM@N 4/15

5 Slow Control System Gas control system Temperature monitoring HV system Slow Control System Database Internet Server 3 Client 2 Client 3... Access control system Alarm system 02.07.2016 D. Egorov Slow Control System at BM@N5/15 Server 1 Server 2 Client 1

6 Slow Control System toolkits Open Source ++- Object-oriented +-+ Freeware ++- Support of large number of controlled variables ++/-+ Community and feedback +++ Cross-platform ++-/+ COMMERCIAL 02.07.2016 D. Egorov Slow Control System at BM@N6/15

7 TANGO Control System Device Archiving Service TANGO Software Bus Device TANGO Tools Client C++, Java, Python Linux, Windows Client Device C++ Java Python Device 02.07.2016 D. Egorov Slow Control System at BM@N7/15 Clients Servers

8 TANGO Control System 02.07.2016D. Egorov Slow Control System at BM@N8/15 TANGO

9 Gas system MKS Instruments flow control equipment 02.07.2016 D. Egorov Slow Control System at BM@N 9/15 Gas flow for TOF detectors during BM@N run, 22.03.15 – 15.03.15

10 Temperature monitoring system 22.02.15 – 15.03.15 Up to 255 sensors in one line, RS-485 Temperature measurements require no external components Measures temperatures from -55°C to +125°C in 0.03125°C increments Digital form, no conversion needed Temperature at BM@N hall, 22.03.15 – 15.03.15 02.07.2016 D. Egorov Slow Control System at BM@N10/15

11 Magnetic field of SP-41 magnet Hall sensors voltage plot of BM@N magnet 22.02.15 - 15.03.15 10 differential or 20 single-ended channels 16-bit resolution, 50 Samples/second ±10 V, ±5 V, ±1 V, ±500 mV, ±150 mV, ±20 mA 02.07.2016 D. Egorov Slow Control System at BM@N11/15

12 TOF detectors electric current 1 В ~ 1 мкА 28.02.15 1V ~1 mA TOF detectors electric current, which allows to estimate intension of beam 28.02.15, 02:00 - 09:00 02.07.2016 D. Egorov Slow Control System at BM@N12/15

13 Controllable devices HV PMT module System calibration of nuclear physics particles calorimeters (Ledgen) Client application for HV PMT modules Client application for Ledgen modules 02.07.2016 D. Egorov Slow Control System at BM@N13/15

14 Online Web interface Temperature plot for 5 days in bld. 202, LHEP Voltage plot for 1.5 days in bld. 202, LHEP 02.07.2016D. Egorov Slow Control System at BM@N14/15 Based on Python web framework Flask

15 Thank you for attention! 02.07.2016D. Egorov Slow Control System at BM@N15/15

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