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Mobility, Security, and Proof-Carrying Code Peter Lee Carnegie Mellon University Lecture 2 July 11, 2001 Overview of PCC and Safety Policies Lipari School.

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Presentation on theme: "Mobility, Security, and Proof-Carrying Code Peter Lee Carnegie Mellon University Lecture 2 July 11, 2001 Overview of PCC and Safety Policies Lipari School."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mobility, Security, and Proof-Carrying Code Peter Lee Carnegie Mellon University Lecture 2 July 11, 2001 Overview of PCC and Safety Policies Lipari School on Foundations of Wide Area Network Programming

2 Key Idea: Explicit Proofs Certifying Prover CPU Proof Engine Code Proof Trusted Host

3 Proof-Carrying Code Certifying Prover CPU Code Proof No longer need to trust this component. Proof Checker

4 Certifying Compilers Certifying Compiler CPU Looks and smells like a compiler. % spjc bar.class baz.c -ljdk1.2.2 Source code Proof Object code Certifying Prover Proof Checker

5 Questions What is the interface between the compiler and the prover? What is meant by “safety”? Or security or privacy or …? How does the proof checker work? How does it connect code with proof? How are proofs represented? For compactness, speed, and simplicity? How are proofs generated?

6 Today’s Lecture Overview of approaches. High-level architecture. Safety properties. Next time: Detailed examples, proof generation and checking.

7 Overview of Approaches to Certified Code TAL, kJava, and PCC

8 Typed Assembly Language [Morrisett, et al., ‘98] Use modern type theory to develop a static type system for machine code. Prove decidability of typechecking. Prove soundness of type system. Developing such a type system is very hard, but hopefully is done only once.

9 Typed Assembly Language Type- Directed Compiler CPU Source code Types Object code Type Checker Type Checker Somewhat surprisingly, it is possible to capture a practical subset of the x86 architecture in a type system.

10 TAL Example int i = n+1; int s = 0; while (--i > 0) s += i; mov eax, ecx inc eax mov ebx, 0 jmp test body: {eax: B4, ebx: B4} add ebx, eax test: {eax: B4, ebx: B4} dec eax cmp eax, 0 jg body Join-point typing annotations In practice, the annotations are much more sophisticated.

11 Novel Features of TAL Uses existential types to capture the concept of the “current stack frame”. Type system has been evolving rapidly (including soundness proofs). But painful for implementors. Limited use of dependent types for optimized code.

12 K Virtual Machine Designed to support the CLDC. Must fit into <128KB. Must have fast bytecode verification. kJava class files must be Java- compatible. Divides bytecode verification into two stages.

13 kJava and KVM kJava Compiler CPU Source code Annot Byte codes kJava Preverifier Verifier

14 KVM Verification “Preverification” is performed by the code producer. Uses global (iterative) analysis to compute the types of stack slots and local vars at every join point. Second stage is performed by class loader. Simple linear scan verifies correctness of join-point annotations.

15 KVM Example [from Frank Yellin] static void test(Long x) { Number y = x; while (y.IntValue() != 0) { y = nextValue(y); } return y; 0. aload_0 1. astore_1 2. goto 10 Long Number | <> 5. aload_1 6. invokeStatic nextValue(Number) 9. astore_1 Long Number | <> 10. aload_1 11. invokeVirtual intValue() 14. ffne 5 17. return Join-point typing annotations

16 KVM Verification The second stage verifier is a 10KB program that requires a single scan of the code, and <100 bytes of run-time storage. Impressive! This is Java verification done right.

17 PCC Certifying Compilation Certifying Compiler CPU Looks and smells like a compiler. % spjc bar.class baz.c -ljdk1.2.2 Source code Proof Object code Certifying Prover Proof Checker

18 PCC Example ANN_LOCALS(_bcopy__6arrays6Bcopy1AIAI, 3).text.align 4.globl _bcopy__6arrays6Bcopy1AIAI _bcopy__6arrays6Bcopy1AIAI: cmpl$0, 4(%esp) jeL6 movl4(%esp), %ebx movl4(%ebx), %ecx testl%ecx, %ecx jgL22 ret L22: xorl%edx, %edx cmpl$0, 8(%esp) jeL6 movl8(%esp), %eax movl4(%eax), %esi L7: ANN_LOOP(INV = { (csubneq ebx 0), (csubneq eax 0), (csubb edx ecx), (of rm mem)}, MODREG = (EDI,EDX,EFLAGS,FFLAGS,RM)) cmpl%esi, %edx jaeL13 movl8(%ebx, %edx, 4), %edi movl%edi, 8(%eax, %edx, 4) incl%edx cmpl%ecx, %edx jlL7 ret L13: call__Jv_ThrowBadArrayIndex ANN_UNREACHABLE nop L6: call__Jv_ThrowNullPointer ANN_UNREACHABLE nop Dependent types

19 Join-Point Annotations All of these approaches to certified code make use of join- point typing annotations to reduce code verification to a simple problem. They are essentially the classical loop invariants of the Dijkstra/ Hoare program verification approach.

20 Overheads In TAL and PCC we observe relatively large annotations sizes (~10-20%), sometimes more. Unknown for kJava. Research question: Can we reduce this size?

21 High-Level Architecture

22 Explanation Code Verification condition generator Checker Safety policy Agent Host

23 High-Level Architecture Explanation Code Verification condition generator Checker Safety policy Agent Host

24 The VCGen The verification condition generator (VCGen) examines each instruction. It essentially encodes the operational semantics of the language. It checks some simple properties. E.g., direct jumps go to legal addrs. It invokes the Checker when dangerous instructions are encountered.

25 The VCGen, cont’d Examples of dangerous instructions: memory operations procedure calls procedure returns For each such instruction, VCGen creates a verification condition (VC). A VC is a logical predicate whose truth implies the instruction is safe.

26 High-Level Architecture Explanation Code Verification condition generator Checker Safety policy Agent Host

27 The Checker When given a VC, the Checker looks in the “explanation” for its proof. If found, it then checks whether the proof is valid. The set of allowable VCs and their valid proofs is defined by the safety policy.

28 A “Dialog” VCGen: Scanning code… VCGen: Danger! This memory-write is safe only if VC = r.P(r) under assumptions  is true. Checker: Looking for proof of VC. Checker: Found proof    : VC. Checker: Checking with safety policy to see whether  is a valid proof.

29 High-Level Architecture Explanation Code Verification condition generator Checker Safety policy Agent Host

30 The Safety Policy The safety policy is defined by an inference system that defines the language of predicates (for VCs) the axioms and inference rules for writing valid proofs of VCs. specifications (pre/post-conditions) for each entry point in the code. Informally, one thinks of the safety policy as defining the constraints on the execution of safe programs.

31 Reference Interpreters A reference interpreter (RI) is a standard interpreter extended with instrumentation to check the safety of each instruction before it is executed, and abort execution if anything unsafe is about to happen. In other words, an RI is capable only of safe execution.

32 Reference Interpreters cont’d The reference interpreter is never actually implemented. The point will be to prove (by using the proof rules given in the safety policy) that execution of the code on the RI never aborts, and thus execution on the real hardware will be identical to execution on the RI.

33 Reference Interpreters cont’d Rule of Thumb: Any notion of safety that can be enforced by a reference interpreter can be encoded in a PCC safety policy.

34 Example Consider a safety policy for x86 code where the code must provide a function whose precondition is that register %eax contains a pointer to a float array and %ebx contains the array’s length. the code is allowed to read and write floating-point values into the given array, but nowhere else in the heap memory.

35 Example, cont’d As the RI executes, it must perform a special check every time the code attempts to read or write to memory. When reading, it must check that the address is within the bounds of the array. When writing, it must check that the value being written is actually a floating-point value, and check that the address is within bounds. As the RI executes, it must perform a special check every time the code attempts to read or write to memory. When reading, it must check that the address is within the bounds of the array. When writing, it must check that the value being written is actually a floating-point value, and check that the address is within bounds.

36 Example, cont’d To do this kind of type-checking, it will be useful for the RI to maintain information about the types of values in the registers. E.g., execution of xxxxxxx fadd %eax  %ebx should result in the knowledge that %ebx contains a floating- point value, if %eax and %ebx held floating-point values before execution.

37 Homework Exercises 2. Suppose that we require the code to execute no more than N instructions? Is such a safety property enforceable by an RI? 3. Suppose we require the code to terminate eventually. Is such a safety property enforceable by an RI?

38 Reference Interpreters and Safety Policies A reference interpreter, if actually implemented, would enforce safety at run-time. PCC can be used to enforce the same safety at load-time. Essentially, the proofs given with the code attest to the fact that the code will never abort.

39 Operational Semantics In terms of operational semantics, the RI defines a “safe machine”. The proofs show that the code always makes progress (or halts normally) in the operational semantics. This leads to a standard notion of soundness.

40 Note I will avoid formal notation for statements of some key results and theorems. See the papers (and especially Necula’s PhD thesis for these details).

41 Examples of Safety Properties Memory safety. Which addresses are readable / writable; when, and what values. Type safety. What values can be stored and used in operations. System call safety. Which system routines can be called and when.

42 Examples of Safety Policies cont’d Action sequence safety. E.g., no network send after reading a file. Resource usage safety. E.g., instruction counts, stack limits, etc.

43 What Can’t Be Enforced? Informally: Safety properties.  Yes. “No bad thing will happen.” Liveness properties.  Not yet. “A good thing will eventually happen.” Information-flow properties.  ? “Confidentiality will be preserved.”

44 What Can’t Be Enforced? Liveness properties currently cannot be enforced by PCC. Actually, PCC proofs can express proofs of such properties, but VCGen can not generate appropriate VC’s. Conjecture: In practice, safety properties are “good enough”.

45 Safety Properties Are Good Enough? Termination is an example of a liveness property. Termination within a specified number of cycles is a safety property. In practice, the latter is often more useful than the former.

46 “Applets, Not Craplets”

47 Architecture Code producerHost Ginseng Native code Proof Special J Java binary ~52KB, written in CWritten in OCaml

48 Annotations Architecture Code producerHost Proof checker VCGen Axioms Native code Proof VC Special J Java binary

49 Annotations Architecture Code producerHost Java binary Proof generator Proof checker VCGen Axioms Certifying compiler VCGen VC Native code Proof VC

50 Java Virtual Machine JVM Java Verifier JNI Class file Native code Proof- carrying code Checker

51 Show either the Mandelbrot or NBody3D demo.

52 Crypto Test Suite Results [Cedilla Systems] sec On average, 72.8% faster than Java, 37.5% faster than Java with a JIT.

53 Java Grande Suite v2.0 [Cedilla Systems] sec

54 Java Grande Bench Suite [Cedilla Systems] ops

55 Ginseng VCGen Checker Safety Policy Dynamic loading Cross-platform support ~15KB, roughly similar to a KVM verifier (but with floating-point). ~4KB, generic. ~19KB, declarative and machine-generated. ~22KB, some optional.

56 Safety Policy Specifications

57 Annotations Architecture Code producerHost Java binary Proof generator Proof checker VCGen Axioms Certifying compiler VCGen VC Native code Proof VC

58 Ginseng VCGen Checker Safety Policy Dynamic loading Cross-platform support ~15KB, roughly similar to a KVM verifier (but with floating-point). ~4KB, generic. ~19KB, declarative and machine-generated. ~22KB, some optional. Ginseng is small and easy-to-integrate.

59 Safety Policy The safety policy gives the inference rules for constructing valid proofs. We use a language called LF for this specification, using Pfenning’s Elf syntax. Much more on this next time.

60 Safety Policy Sample Rules /\: pred -> pred -> pred. \/: pred -> pred -> pred. =>: pred -> pred -> pred. all: (exp -> pred) -> pred. pf: pred -> type. truei: pf true. andi: {P:pred} {Q:pred} pf P -> pf Q -> pf (/\ P Q). andel: {P:pred} {Q:pred} pf (/\ P Q) -> pf P. ander: {P:pred} {Q:pred} pf (/\ P Q) -> pf Q. …

61 Safety Policy Some Rules =: exp -> exp -> pred. <>: exp -> exp -> pred. >: exp -> exp -> pred. eq_le: {E:exp} {E':exp} pf (csubeq E E') -> pf (csuble E E'). jbool : exp. jchar : exp. jbyte : exp. jshort : exp. jint : exp. of: exp -> exp -> pred. faddf: {E:exp} {E':exp} pf (of E jfloat) -> pf (of E' jfloat) -> pf (of (fadd E E') jfloat).

62 Safety Policy Sample Rules aidxi: {I:exp} {LEN:exp} {SIZE:exp} pf (below I LEN) -> pf (arridx (add (imul I SIZE) 8) SIZE LEN). wrArray4: {M:exp} {A:exp} {T:exp} {OFF:exp} {E:exp} pf (of A (jarray T)) -> pf (of M mem) -> pf (nonnull A) -> pf (size T 4) -> pf (arridx OFF 4 (sel4 M (add A 4))) -> pf (of E T) -> pf (safewr4 (add A OFF) E).

63 Homework Exercise 4 The sample proof rules given here are very Java-specific and compiler-specific. This is clearly problematic. Why did Necula & Lee do this?

64 Summary

65 The Necula/Lee approach to PCC is based on the notion of progress in a “safe” operational semantics. It makes use of a verification- condition generator to extract predicates to be proven. The approach seems to cover a wide range of practical problems.

66 Next Time Detailed examples, and then the representation of proofs and algorithms for checking them.

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