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 Easy to set-up and get students working immediately  Technology in the classroom  Will provide a different spin on activities in the classroom  Allows.

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Presentation on theme: " Easy to set-up and get students working immediately  Technology in the classroom  Will provide a different spin on activities in the classroom  Allows."— Presentation transcript:


2  Easy to set-up and get students working immediately  Technology in the classroom  Will provide a different spin on activities in the classroom  Allows for teachers to respond immediately to student work  Allows for peer-to-peer collaboration, commenting, comparing and contrasting – students will be able to share ideas, post comments and rate their peers virtual posters  Easy to create, graphics/images are endless and students will thoroughly enjoy using it for book reports, assignments, projects, etc…

3  Welcome to Glogster!  Setting up your students’ accounts, adding friends and SECURITY!  Getting started  The “How-To” – Images, walls, text, videos!  Saving and publishing, commenting, rating and more!  Student examples

4 1. Navigate your way to Glogster by entering the following website in to your browser: http://www.glogster.com 2. Once you have done this, you need to get your account set-up so that you can be a “pilot account” for your students to demonstrate the very basics of getting accounts set up! In the upper right hand corner, you will need to click on “Register” to get the ball rolling! (Fig. 1-1) Fig. 1-1 3. Get all of your personal information entered (Fig. 1-2) and use a nickname that will be appropriate for you and your students. After you agree to the terms of service, select the SIGN UP button and off you go! Fig. 1-2 First Things First

5 4. After you have registered, you will want your students to begin adding each other. In the top right hand corner for your Dashboard, you will see the Search box (Fig. 1-3). Click the drop down arrow and simply type in the name of the person you’re looking for! 5. Select the Add to friends button (Fig. 1-4) and Glogster will send a message to someone requesting their acceptance. This is still the easiest way to add friends that I have found! Fig. 1-3 The biggest thing with students using technology is definitely privacy and you want to ensure that that is kept at all times. There will be an option for you to make your profile private, meaning that nobody is allowed to view your profile or your glogs, and better yet, they wouldn’t be able to view your students if they did the same thing! Finally! We can begin creating!! Fig. 1-4 Searching, Adding Friends and Privatization!

6 Select the CREATE NEW GLOG (Fig. 1-5) button and get started! Glogster will upload the page that will provide you with all of the tools to get things off and running! This floating tool (Fig. 1-6) will become your “Go-To” button for everything! It will float up and down the page as you work on your Glog! You can do absolutely anything and everything from these tools. Want to add some really groovy graphics, terrific text, interesting images, voracious videos, scintillating sounds or some weird walls? Just check out the floating magnet tool and be creative! Fig. 1-5 Fig. 1-6

7 After selecting whether you want to add graphics, text, etc…you will see this menu. (Fig. 1-7) To add a graphic, simply select through the hundreds of preloaded images and when the pink box surrounds your image, select USE IT! and your image will appear on your Glog instantly! Fig. 1-7

8 Whenever you click on an image or piece of text, there will be a small box that appears with 6 different symbols. (Fig. 1-8) From left to right, they are as follows… Edit Tool, Bring To Front, Put To Back, Clone, Undo Changes and Trash Can. - To access any of those features, simply click on any image or piece of text once. - To move an item from one location to another, simply click and drag or use the resizing/rotating keys to enlarge or shrink your image. Fig. 1-8 Fig. 1-9 When you or your students are finished creating, simply click the Save or Publish button (Fig. 1-9) and you can come back and easily edit it another time or broadcast it to the world! Again, you can easily set this to a private Glog!

9 Commenting You can search for someone’s Glog using the search tool that we covered earlier and scroll to the bottom of their Glogs and simply type in some text and either leave it as a public comment or send it as a private message to the recipient! If it’s your students, you would have the possibility of writing a comment and giving them a grade. Fig. 1-10

10 Book Report – The Ghost Wore Gray - -olivia/ -olivia/ Book Report – Heartland: Taking Chances - / / Book Report – Rules - -alex/ -alex/ Book Report – Neil Armstrong… - kory/ kory/

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