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Math Jeopardy GeometryMeasurementMixed Bag True or FalseWord Problems 10 20 30 40 50.

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Presentation on theme: "Math Jeopardy GeometryMeasurementMixed Bag True or FalseWord Problems 10 20 30 40 50."— Presentation transcript:

1 Math Jeopardy GeometryMeasurementMixed Bag True or FalseWord Problems 10 20 30 40 50

2 A six sided figure is a ______.

3 Two lines in a plane which are not parallel will intersect at a ________.

4 Identify the figure below.

5 What type of angle is formed by the two rays above?

6 Give and example Of an obtuse angle.

7 What units are used to measure Football fields?

8 What unit of measurement would you use to measure the distance to Charlotte ?

9 What is greater A centimeter or a millimeter?

10 There are ______ milliseconds Per second?

11 In the metric system the unit Of measure of length is the _____.

12 Arrange in ascending order. {Pint, Cup, Gallon, Quart}

13 One gallon = 128 ounces. One lb. = 16 ounces. A gallon weighs ____ lbs.

14 List the first 5 prime Numbers.

15 ¼ of a right angle has ____ degrees.

16 Complete this pattern 1/2,1/4,1/8, ___

17 An odd number plus and odd Number equals an even odd.

18 All rectangles are squares.

19 TTH -(-3) = -3

20 2 is the only Even prime number.

21 Every number has 1 as a factor.

22 Mike has 30 pieces of candy He shares equally with four friends. Mike and his four friend share their candy equally with one friend. How many people receive candy and how much does each receive,?

23 The recipe called for 5/6 lb of flour 2/3 lb of sugar and 3/4 lb of butter. Order the ingredients form least to greatest?

24 Tom traveled 400 miles in about 5 hours. He reduced his speed by ½ for the next hour. He far did he travel in total?

25 Joe cut a 2 x 4 “2 by 4” 3 feet long Into three equal pieces. He then cut each of those pieces in half. How long was each piece?

26 Jessica’s new dress cost $60.00. The shop owner offers her two deals. She can get it for either 10% off the price or $10.00 off the price. Which is the best offer and why?

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