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Chapter 16 Part 4 Pages 550-557. Terms to Know Axis Powers Allies Lend-Lease Act Hideki Tojo Atlantic Charter.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 16 Part 4 Pages 550-557. Terms to Know Axis Powers Allies Lend-Lease Act Hideki Tojo Atlantic Charter."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 16 Part 4 Pages 550-557

2 Terms to Know Axis Powers Allies Lend-Lease Act Hideki Tojo Atlantic Charter

3 The U.S. Heading toward War Sept. 1939 Congress Passed a Cash and Carry Law: We COULD sell supplies to countries that could pay cash up front and take goods away Helped the Brits a bit…and the Japanese

4 Sept. 1940 Japan joined the Rome-Berlin Axis! Germany, Italy and Japan To prevent the U.S. from entering They knew the U.S. would not want a two- front war

5 We stopped selling Fuel and scrap metal to t he Japanese

6 Congress increased defense spending AND passed the first peace time military draft in history The Selective Training Service Act 16 million men 21-35 had to register for the draft (one million drafted for 1 year for service in the Western Hemisphere only)

7 Election of 1940 FDR’s Third term V Republican Wendell Wilkie Wilkie approved of FDR’s cautious preparedness Lilke sending suppliees to Brits Like FDR, Wilkie promised to keep us out of war

8 Brits ran out of $ No more cash and carry but they needed help! So FDR suggested to Congress and country; The Lend-Lease Act We would LEND Brits supplies

9 The Lend-Lease Act We sent Brits 50 old WWI destroyers in exchange for the use of British naval bases We used force to deliver supplies Eventually shooting war with German ships, U-Boats long before the U.S. entered the war

10 June 1941 After Hitler attacked Russia we promised Russia Lend-Lease aid as well Tough finding a spot to deliver to Russia as most of Europe was either allied with Germany or taken by Germany EVENTUALLY it was done through Iran

11 Russia Had to hold out alone against the Germans for a very long time (Spring of 1943) before the Lend-Lease supplies reached her Most believed that the winner of the war depended upon Russia holding out.

12 German U-Boats Wolf Packs 40 or more German subs going after allied ships, convoys The US Navy had permission to defend itself

13 The Atlantic Charter FDR had secret meetings with Churchill If the United States DID go to war, no matter HOW they got involved, taking out Hitler would be our first priiority

14 The U.S. and Japan After Japan joined the AXIS powers, the U.S. stopped selling them oil and scrap metal Meetings with the moderate Japanese minister, Prince Kenoye were taking place in Washington DC

15 Negotiations with Japan We wanted the japanese to get out of China…they would not They wanted us to help them find sources of oil…we would not

16 Negotiations came to a standstill When Pearl Harbor was attacked Tojo, the not very moderate leader of the Japanese Army wanted war with the U.S. Had been very aggressive in China and in the Pacific Threatened Western European colonies there

17 Prince Konoye was SUPPOSED To give the U.S. a declaration of war BEFORE the attack at Pearl Harbor But the teletype machine went down for several hours during the night The declaration of war followed the attack

18 Konoye wa replaced with Tojo The Japanese code had been hacked Pearl Harbor December 7, 1941 ended American isolationism Within 2 hours 2,403 Americans killed, more wounded The Pacific fleet was crippled

19 Did FDR Know? The Code? The Atlantic Charter? The Radar operator? For sure he knew it would end U.S. isolationism…But how to explain troops against Hitler if Japan attacked?

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