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Brahms Revision Piano Quintet in F minor, movement 3.

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Presentation on theme: "Brahms Revision Piano Quintet in F minor, movement 3."— Presentation transcript:

1 Brahms Revision Piano Quintet in F minor, movement 3

2 Learning Objectives  To refresh our knowledge of the key musical features of the Brahms piano quintet  To practise using blank scores for exam-style questions

3 Key vocabulary  Make a list of key terms related to this work  augmentation  augmented 6th  chromaticism  compound time  countersubject  diminished 7th  fugato  imitation  melody-dominated homophony  motif  pedal  pizzicato  plagal cadence  stretto  subject  tierce de Picardie  Find examples of each of these using a blank score

4 Questions Use a blank score 1.What is ‘double stopping’ and where does it occur in this piece? 2.What is the overall form of this movement? 3.Describe some of the ways in which the main themes of the scherzo (up to bar 193) are contrasted. 4.What is fugato and where can this be found in the scherzo? 5.Where are there examples of cross-rhythms in the scherzo? 6.Describe Brahms’ approach to texture looking specifically at: a.bars 1-12 b.bars 23-45 c.bars 57-66 d.bars 67-88 e.bars 100-109

5 More questions 7.How does Brahms build up the sense of excitement in the following bars? a.bars 67-88 b.bars 150-193 8.In what way does the harmonic plan of the scherzo suggest this is a nineteenth-century piece rather than one for an earlier period? 9.Referring to the music explain what a German 6 th is. 10.Referring to the music explain what a circle of 5ths is. 11.Brahms’ melodic writing has been described as motivic. Discuss examples of motivic writing in the scherzo. 12.Describe the structure of the trio. 13.Give two ways in which tension is created in bars 225- 233. 14.How does the trio contrast with the scherzo? (Consider key, structure, texture, tessitura structure and use of instruments). 15.Find two examples of pedal in the trio.

6 Essay  Using blank scores  Compare and contrast harmony and structure in:  Brahms Piano Quintet  Shostakovich Prelude and Fugue  Haydn Symphony 26 (will revise this tomorrow)  36 marks  50 minutes  Due: Friday by email  Start planning Brahms/Shostakovich tonight!

7 Plan HarmonyStructure Brahms 33 Shostakovich 33 Haydn 33

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