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Mobicom 2015 Paper Discussion Wenguang Mao. Wireless Sensing Detect the location/motion/gesture/shape information of a human/object based on a variety.

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Presentation on theme: "Mobicom 2015 Paper Discussion Wenguang Mao. Wireless Sensing Detect the location/motion/gesture/shape information of a human/object based on a variety."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mobicom 2015 Paper Discussion Wenguang Mao

2 Wireless Sensing Detect the location/motion/gesture/shape information of a human/object based on a variety of wireless signals and sensors Solutions for solving these research problems are highly related 13 papers in total

3 Categorized by Goal Motion tracking: 4 papers Keystroke detection: 3 papers Localization: 2 paper Gesture recognition: 2 paper Navigation Assistance: 1paper Imaging : 1 paper

4 Categorized by Signal Type RF based: 7 papers WiFi: 4 60 GHz: 2 RFID: 1 Acoustic: 2 papers Light based: 2 papers Magnetic: 1 paper IMU based: 1 paper

5 Two 60GHz Papers Related to 60 GHz millimeter wave mTrack: High-Precision Passive Tracking Using Millimeter Wave Radios Reusing 60 GHz Radios for Mobile Radar Imaging

6 Why Talking about 60GHz – Special Features Strong attenuation Short communication range Less multipath Short wavelength High resolution for localization Small form factor of directional antenna Ultra bandwidth High transmission rate Better time domain resolution

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