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Agenda/Announcements Candy Friday! Will your class qualify? Brain Games 1.Remembering this! HW/ Coming up: Human Memory Textbook Questions due Friday!

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Presentation on theme: "Agenda/Announcements Candy Friday! Will your class qualify? Brain Games 1.Remembering this! HW/ Coming up: Human Memory Textbook Questions due Friday!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Agenda/Announcements Candy Friday! Will your class qualify? Brain Games 1.Remembering this! HW/ Coming up: Human Memory Textbook Questions due Friday! Goal(s): Be able to explain how information is transferred from short term to long term memory, through an interactive Brain Games video series. 1. Pick up the bell work. 2. Work on the bell work.

2 Thought of the Day How do you usually encode information learned in school? Explain. * 8 th period- please place chairs on top of desks

3 Agenda/Announcements 1.Finish Brain Games 2.Encoding, storage, and retrieval of memory 3.Object Memory Game HW/ Coming up: Human Memory Textbook Questions due Friday! Goal(s): Be able to explain the processes of encoding, storage, and retrieval of memory. 1. Work on the bell work.

4 Memory  Memory- persistence of learning/experiences over time through the storage and retrieval of information

5 The Memory Process Encoding: The recording of information

6 Encoding processing  How much is stored will depend on how it was encoded!

7 -Shallow processing- maintenance rehearsal

8 -Deep processing- elaborative- connect old info with new info -ex. mnemonics (16-19 amendments) -flash cards

9 Encoding/Forgetting: Which one is the correct penny?

10 Why were you not able to remember which penny is the correct one?

11 The Memory Process 2.Storage: the saving of encoded material over time AKA: Long-term memory!

12 The Memory Process 3.Retrieval: The process of getting the information out of memory storage

13 Retrieve your memory of where you were and what you were doing when Michael Jackson died.

14 What you just shared… Flashbulb memory phenomenon centers around specific, important, shocking, very personal or surprising events. It is easier to retrieve than mundane memories.

15  When we watched our first interactive video about memory, what was stolen?

16  Why do we have different answers?

17 Object Memory Game  Winner of the game- person who remembers the most objects!

18 Object Memory Game  Rules:  Do NOT talk about the objects as you are looking at them  Do NOT write anything down until I ask you to

19 Object Memory Game  Look at the objects and you will have a minute and a half to memorize as many of them as you can!


21 Object Memory Game Questions  Write your name on the sheet.  Then, on the flip slide, the blank side, write down as many of the items as you remember.

22 Object Memory Game  Hand the sheet to one of your bell work partners so they can, at the top of the page, write down how many objects you remembered by circling any of them that you wrote down correct.


24 Object Memory Game Questions  Answer the questions provided right on the handout.  4 minutes!  Be ready to share your answers!

25 Object Memory Game Questions  Let’s go over this!

26 Object Memory Game Questions  Pass these answers up!

27 Your Homework Tonight Forget this number 28

28 Semester Long Project  Write at least TWO more pieces of info in!

29 Thought of the Day Explain another flashbulb memory that you can recall. Remember, it has to be a very important or shocking event! * 8 th period- please place chairs on top of desks

30 Agenda/Announcements 1.Study Guide 2.Three Components of Memory and Long Term Memory Notes HW/ Coming up: Human Memory Textbook Questions due tomorrow! Goal(s): Be able to explain the components of, and be able to differentiate among, sensory, short, and long term memory. To be able to differentiate among different long term memory types. 1. Work on the bell work.

31 Who was able to forget the number I gave you towards the end of class?

32 Study Guide… 1.Different than usual! 2.… in form of large note card OR a half piece of regular notebook/copy paper 3.You can use both sides of note card!!! 4.Extra Credit- due the day of test! 5.You will be able to actually use this cheat sheet the day of the test as you take the test!

33 Selective Attention… 

34 Three Components of Memory Information Processing Sensory Memory Short Term Memory (STM) Long Term Memory (LTM) Info Large capacity Contains info from the senses Retention of only couple of seconds Ex. seeing a picture for a sec. Working memory Active Ex. reading Retention of < 20 seconds if not rehearsed (to a couple of minutes if rehearsed) Holds about 7 unrelated things at a time (+ or – 2) through chunking Ex. phone numbers Selective attention Storage of information learned Unlimited capacity Remember things forever? Store info in categories Ex. lyrics to Wannabe by Spice Girls Unattended= forgotten Unrehearsed= forgotten Some info might be lost over time Encoding Retrieval Maybe turn your notes horizontally?

35 Let’s do an experiment on our memory …  I need about five volunteers!

36 Let’s do an experiment on our memory …  I need about five more volunteers!  One- write down what we change in the classroom  The other four- change up things that are usually in the classroom  You CAN switch up where some students are sitting, too!

37 Let’s do an experiment on our memory (the awareness test)…  Write down all the differences you see in this room on the side board.

38  How does selective memory/attention have anything to do with this?

39  How does long term memory have anything to do with this?

40 Long Term Memory Declarative Non declarative Semantic Episodic Procedural (Learned) Facts/ Language Classically Conditioned Skills Personal Experiences - Who was George Washington? - Difference between your, and you’re -Flash bulb memories -What you did over the weekend Riding a bike Fears or habits

41 Whiteboard Check of Understanding

42 Thought of the Day In your own words, define sensory, short, and long term memory. * 8 th period- please place chairs on top of desks

43 Agenda/Announcements 1.Candy Friday 1.Does your class qualify? Memory Activity Problems with Memory Notes HW/ Coming up: Nothing! Enjoy your weekend! Goal(s): To be able to define and differentiate between recall and recognition. To be able to understand what decay and interference does to memory. 1. Work on the bell work.

44  Turn in this week’s bell works!

45  Any questions on any of the terms from the memory textbook q4uestions?

46  Recognition- provides the ability for an individual to identify a previously encountered stimulus  Example- a multiple choice test where once presented different answers, you can find and identify the one that is correct

47  Recall- the act of retrieving information or events from the past while lacking a specific cue to help in retrieving the information  Example- a short answer test

48 Memory Activity Under the notes you just took… We will hear 10 songs. Number your page 1-10, with each number having both a. and b. For each of the songs we hear, write down: a.If you recognize it, as in if you are able to identify it- write yes or no. b.If you recall it- reconstructing previously learned information. Write down the title of the song OR who sings it.

49 Were you able to recall it?  It depends on several things…. -If you liked the song? -When was the last time you have heard the song?

50 Problems with Memory Reconstructive processes- memories may be altered or distorted, depending on our experiences, attitudes, and inferences from other information You recreate your memories!!!

51  Sit down on the chair where a sticky note with your name is, please.

52 Problems with Memory Confabulation- filling in memory gaps

53 Problems with Memory Decay- fading away of memory over time (forgetting)

54 Problems with Memory Interference- the memory is blocked Example- tip of the tongue phenomenon

55 Thought of the Day How does recall differ from recognition? Explain. * 8 th period- please place chairs on top of desks

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