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Positive Mindset. Cultivating a Positive Mind-set  Cultivating happiness in our lives has many benefits emotionally, socially, and physically – we relate.

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Presentation on theme: "Positive Mindset. Cultivating a Positive Mind-set  Cultivating happiness in our lives has many benefits emotionally, socially, and physically – we relate."— Presentation transcript:

1 Positive Mindset

2 Cultivating a Positive Mind-set  Cultivating happiness in our lives has many benefits emotionally, socially, and physically – we relate to others better, we treat ourselves well and we are more likely to adopt healthy habits and avoid destructive behaviours

3  But can happiness really help us get smarter?  Yes! Cognitive studies have shown that learning that is connected with a happy or positive emotional experience causes the information to get stored in our long term memories, while learning that takes place in conditions that cause stress and anxiety is stored only in short-term memory; it is not available for long-term use

4 Perspective Taking  Perspective taking allows us to consider more than one way of understanding a behavior, event or situation.  The skill is particularly useful on a global scale as our ability to communicate and our need to share resources with other people and cultures expand.

5 Why practice perspective taking?  On the most practical level, students who are able to accept that other classmates may behave or think differently than they do are much better equipped to tolerate and find ways to get along with peers.  These students can talk out a problem and find a solution that is mutually agreeable.

6 Linking to the brain  Perspective taking is the ability to see situations and events from the viewpoint of another person  When we mindfully practice perspective taking, we become more skilled at accurately interpreting the behavior of those around us  Mentally standing in someone else’s shoes requires reflection, which can forestall an unthinking reaction.

7  Repeatedly viewing issues or events through different lenses builds and strengthens the neural networks that enable us to reason before we take action  Paying attention to a situation in a calm, focused, mindful manner is a physiological workout for the brain, actually stimulating blood flow to it.

8  Calm perspective taking directs incoming information to the reflective, thinking prefrontal cortex instead of to the reflexive, reactive amygdala  A brain that operates primarily in the prefrontal cortex makes superior decisions, facilitating good choices for its owner.

9 Practice  Fold a square sheet of paper into a fortune teller  Unfold it until it’s a flat sheet again  Refold it into a fortune teller  Was it easier to make the fortune teller the second time? Why?  How is this like the brain when you learn to think before acting?

10  Fill in the Blanks  Name that Thought  The pink elephant  Workbook: Dealing With Troubling Thoughts

11 Journal Writing  Reflect on what you have learned about perspective taking and record any questions you may have  Make two columns in your journal. At the top of one write “MY thoughts” and at the top of the other write “Their thoughts”. Think of a recent disagreement you have had. Describe the thoughts of each side.

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