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Introduction to Electricity. I. Electric Charge and Static Electricity A. Electric ChargeA. Electric Charge –1. What it is a. matter is made up of atoms.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to Electricity. I. Electric Charge and Static Electricity A. Electric ChargeA. Electric Charge –1. What it is a. matter is made up of atoms."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to Electricity

2 I. Electric Charge and Static Electricity A. Electric ChargeA. Electric Charge –1. What it is a. matter is made up of atoms – protons, neutrons, electronsa. matter is made up of atoms – protons, neutrons, electrons b. protons and electrons are charged; neutrons are notb. protons and electrons are charged; neutrons are not 2. Charges Exert Forces a. object can have negative charge, positive charge, or no charge b. flow of electric charges – like charges repel; different charges attract. 3. The Force Between Protons and Electrons a. protons positively charged b. electrons negatively charged c. attraction holds atom together

3 4. The Electric Force and the Electric Field a. electric forcea. electric force –1. the greater the charge, the greater the force –2. the closer the two objects are together, the greater the charge b. electric field 1. region around a charged object 2. charged object in electric field of another charged object is attracted or repelled


5 B. Charge It! 1. Charges in an atom1. Charges in an atom –a. equal number of protons and electrons –b. object becomes positively charged if it loses an electron –c. object become negatively charged if it gains an electron. 2. Friction a. electrons are wiped from one object to another. 3. Conduction a. electrons move from one object to another by direct contact.

6 4. Induction a. charges in an uncharged metal object are rearranged without direct contact b. electrons in an object are attracted to protons in a positively charged object. 5. Conservation of Charge a. no charges are created or destroyed b. electrons move from atom to atom 6. Detecting Charge a. electroscope b. two metal leaves repel


8 C. Moving Charges 1. Conductors1. Conductors –a. material in which charges can move easily –b. most metals are good conductors 2. Insulators a. material in which charges cannot flow easily b. plastic, rubber, glass, wood, air

9 D. Static Electricity 1. Electric Discharge a. electric charge at rest on an object b. buildup of charges c. when static electricity leaves an object d. sometimes happens quickly e. lightning formed from buildup of static electricity


11 3. Lightning Dangers3. Lightning Dangers –a. usually strikes highest point in a charged area –b. trees and people in open area are at risk –c. charges can jump from tree to person 4. Lightning Rods a. rod connected to the ground by wire b. provides path for electric charges


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