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Click to add Text The History of Football  The Origins of Football  Football in Public schools  Effects of the Industrial Revolution  Rationalisation.

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Presentation on theme: "Click to add Text The History of Football  The Origins of Football  Football in Public schools  Effects of the Industrial Revolution  Rationalisation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Click to add Text The History of Football  The Origins of Football  Football in Public schools  Effects of the Industrial Revolution  Rationalisation  Association Football

2 The Origins of Football  It is believed that the first form of football was played over 3000 years ago in Mexico.  In China and Japan football was a ritual game of kick-up.  The Romans played a game of football involving 4 lines, this could be the origins of goalkeepers, defence, midfield and forwards.  When the Romans left Britain many ball games were being played(mob/folk games).

3 Folk/Mob Football  This was the main football game played in Britain between the 14 and 1800’s. (Popular recreation)  It was also played in many countries around the world, but with differing rules and pitches.  It was a brutal game which involved two opposing teams trying to get a football from one side of a village or town to the other.  The game didn’t have a limit on the number of players on each side and often ended up with villages playing against other villages. It neither had rules, or officiating of any kind.  It was originally played on Shrove Tide holiday and other religious festivals.

4 Mob Football Cont…  Local authorities and royals tried to stop mob football being played, due to it being too violent and even causing deaths. For example: -In 1314 King Edward II banned football in London due to the noise in the city from the hustle of the game. - Henry V and VIII waged war against it, as it distracted young gentlemen from their archery.  Despite their efforts, they were never able to stop mob football from being played.

5 Rural mob football

6 Football in Public Schools  Public School football derived from mob games and was violent with minimal rules. The boys played in their free time using the facilities available.(Stage One - Barbarian)  Different schools developed their own games e.g. Harrow had a kicking game, Rugby handled and ran with the ball and Eton had the Wall game. In stage two (Arnoldian) games were used to control the boys and they became more orderly. Muscular Christianity & Social control.  In stage three (Athleticism) rules were developed further due to the ‘Oxbridge melting pot’. Cambridge Rules - 1st written code.  1863 Public School Old Boys set up The Football Association (Soccer).


8 Effects of the Industrial Revolution Effects of the Industrial Revolution  While football was developing in Public Schools mob football in Britain was dealt its biggest blow in the form of the Industrial Revolution.  This was a period where machinery was invented and developed in Britain, which resulted in the emergence of many factories in the towns and cities.  Workers from the villages and towns moved to the cities to work in the factories, which directly resulted in the decline of mob football in the rural community.  Towns and cities developed and banned mob football in the streets, limiting the opportunities to play.  But improved transport helped the development of the new football.

9 Rationalisation  Ex Public Schoolboys and Oxbridge Blues spread the ‘Cult of Athleticism’ around the country and even to other parts of the world.  In 1863 a group met to decide on a universal set of rules and they decided to call themselves the Football Association.(Soccer)  Handling and hacking was banned, in preference of the kicking game (association football), which resulted in the Rugby football teams breaking away and forming their own codification (rugby football).  These rules were gradually adopted although for a long time rules and numbers of players were agreed at the start of games

10 Task 1.  What are the similarities between Mob football and association football?  What are the differences between mob football and association football?  Which other forms of football derived from mob football in the world?

11 Association Football  In the late 1800’s the number of football teams increased and the level of support increased in Britain. Factory Act 1867 introduced Saturday half day.Teams from Factories, Pubs etc developed and the working class could play or be spectators.  Permanent grounds, transport and publicity increased the popularity of the game.  With money coming from supporters, clubs were able to pay players to play, which gradually changed the face of football from an amateur to professional game, against the wishes of the FA.

12 Association cont.…..  The F A cup began in 1871  England played Scotland 1872 (the passing game developed)  Northern team Blackburn beat Old Etonians in FA Cup 1883  Professionalism was sanctioned in 1885  12 teams formed the first League in 1888


14 Task 2.  Despite the need for codification in the late 1800’s, the current set of football rules are constantly being monitored and changed.  What changes to football rules have been brought in in the last 20 years? - Why were they brought in? - Who did they benefit?

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