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Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation ESOF Copenhagen, Wednesday June 25, 2014 Building Global Partnerships: Sharing Discovery & Innovation;

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Presentation on theme: "Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation ESOF Copenhagen, Wednesday June 25, 2014 Building Global Partnerships: Sharing Discovery & Innovation;"— Presentation transcript:

1 Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation ESOF Copenhagen, Wednesday June 25, 2014 Building Global Partnerships: Sharing Discovery & Innovation; Protecting Difference & Competition Robert-Jan Smits Director General DG Research and Innovation European Commission

2 Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation From a triad to a multipolar world STI increasingly internationally interconnected Most societal challenges are global in nature Why is international cooperation crucial for Europe? A Rapidly Changing Context Researchers (FTE) GERD (Gross Domestic Expenditure on R&D) (2) High impact publications (3) Patent applications (4)

3 Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Drivers of international cooperation Need to access knowledge produced outside Europe and gain access to new markets Need to promote Europe as an attractive location and partner for research and innovation Need to join forces globally to tackle global challenges

4 Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation What is Europe doing about it? New strategy for international cooperation in research and innovation under Horizon 2020 Need to engage more actively and strategically in international cooperation: Three main objectives: Strengthen the Union's excellence and attractiveness in research and innovation as well as its industrial and economic competitiveness Tackle global societal challenges Support the Union's external policies Combining openness with better targeted actions

5 Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Dual approach under Horizon 2020 Openness: Horizon 2020 open to participation from across the world Need to attract the best brains to Horizon 2020 projects Targeted actions : 1.Identifying areas for international cooperation on the basis of the Union's policy agenda 2.Attracting target partners for cooperation  multi-annual roadmaps for cooperation with key partners

6 Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Targeted actions Targeted international cooperation activities across Horizon 2020: area for cooperation and partner specified upfront Areas identified based on a set of criteria to ensure common interest and mutual benefit

7 Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Examples of targeted actions USA+ Canada: Transatlantic Ocean Research Alliance: to better understand the Atlantic Ocean and to promote the sustainable management of its resources; The International Rare Diseases Research Consortium (IRDiRC) which aims to deliver, by 2020, 200 new therapies for rare diseases and the means to diagnose most rare diseases;

8 Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation EDCTP2 – The second European and Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership programme (2014-2024). Equal partnership between European and sub-Saharan African countries and the European Union (EU). Already 8 African countries* and 15 European countries** have signed for full membership in the EDCTP Association. EDCTP2 aims at tackling poverty-related diseases (HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and neglected diseases) Budget: €1.4 billion from the EU and European countries * Cameroon, Congo, Ghana, Mozambique, Senegal, South Africa, Tanzania, and Uganda (Zambia will join soon) **Austria, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and Norway and Switzerland

9 Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Civil Hypersonics: Copenhagen to Tokyo in 3 h ! Innovation: step-change in global mobility, spin-offs into space, energy (hydrogen) Inspiration: new generations of scientists Cooperation: share risks, costs & benefits EU-JapanEU-Russia-Australia Materials, Aerodynamics, Control, Vehicle Development, ground & scaled Flight Tests 2014-2019  30 M€ Total Effort Economy & Environment Roadmaps 2013-2014 Hypersonics civil aviation

10 Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation EU-US-Japan cooperation on Rare Earths Rare earths are crucial for 'green' and high-tech applications but at risk of supply disruption EU-US-JAPAN with a large demand for rare earth share a common interest to improve extraction – find substitutes – improve use efficiency – encourage recycling Initiative proposed by the European Commission; co-organised with US Department of Energy and Japan METI and NEDO Open to participation from other concerned Countries e.g. Australia, Canada, South Africa Three Trilateral Conferences already took place Multi-stakeholders multi-disciplinary participation Encourages support for facilitating and promoting cooperation in R&I

11 Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Bottlenecks to international cooperation Inadequate framework conditions/common principles for global cooperation (eg. IPR rules) Absence of matching funds Lack of access to information, language barriers, complex administrative procedures

12 Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Promoting common principles Promote level playing field for international cooperation Set of mutually agreed principles to generate trust and confidence, notably on: research integrity, peer review, fair and equitable treatment of IPR, open access

13 Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation In summary Europe needs international cooperation: to tackle common global challenges to gain access to knowledge produced outside Europe and access new markets to promote Europe as an attractive location and partner for research and innovation Horizon 2020 is open to the whole world and engages in strategic activities through targeted actions Obstacles to international cooperation need to be tackled!

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