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About Volcano Made By. Emily. Orders The 3 kinds of volcano’s shapes By the type of eruption The extinct volcanoes.

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Presentation on theme: "About Volcano Made By. Emily. Orders The 3 kinds of volcano’s shapes By the type of eruption The extinct volcanoes."— Presentation transcript:

1 About Volcano Made By. Emily

2 Orders The 3 kinds of volcano’s shapes By the type of eruption The extinct volcanoes

3 3 kinds of volcano’s shape Shield volcanoes have gradually sloping sides and look like upside-down saucers. They are formed by a continual flow of lava. The shield volcanoes formed from hot spots are some of the largest in the world, but these volcanoes are generally not explosive.

4 This is the picture of the shield volcano

5 Cinder cone Volcano A Cinder cone volcano is usually a volcano that resembles a hill more than a mountain. It most often has a bowl-like crater at the top and usually contains one main vent. Its eruption tends to be explosive, and it often showers bits of ash and lava, called cinder, into air.

6 This is the picture of the cinder cone volcano

7 Composite cone volcano The Composite cone volcano is the large, symmetrical, cone – shaped volcano. It is made of layers of hardened lava and tephra, a mixture of cinders, ash, and rock. These volcanoes often have explosive eruptions.

8 This is the picture of the composite cone volcano

9 By the type of volcano eruption A volcano with runny lava and little or no cinder, ash, and steam is called a Hawaiian eruption.

10 Strombolian eruption If the volcano produces a fountain of lava that runs down the sides, volcanologists call it a Strombolian eruption.

11 Vulcanian eruption A vulcanian eruption, however, is a violent. It usually causes a loud explosion that sends lava, ash, cinders, and gas into the air.

12 Pelean eruption Similar but even more violent is a Pelean eruption. This eruption also produces an avalanche of red-hot dust and gases called a pyroclastic flow, which races down the side of the volcano.

13 Plinian eruption The most powerful eruption is the Plinian eruption. In addition to spewing out lava, this eruption blows gases, ash, and debris very high into the atmosphere. The ash can get caught in the winds of the upper atmosphere and travel for miles.

14 By how often they erupt A volcano that does not have a recorded eruption and is not expected to erupt In the future is called extinct.

15 By how often they erupt Mount Vesuviu s Mount Tambor a Mount Katmai

16 These three mountains were all considered extinct volcanoes before they erupted suddenly, killing many people.

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