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 Preparation: have more infrastructure like emergency preparedness programs, more hospitals, more emergency personnel, better building codes, better.

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Presentation on theme: " Preparation: have more infrastructure like emergency preparedness programs, more hospitals, more emergency personnel, better building codes, better."— Presentation transcript:



3  Preparation: have more infrastructure like emergency preparedness programs, more hospitals, more emergency personnel, better building codes, better construction practices LDC’s  Preparation: poor infrastructure, not enough or no emergency preparedness programs, not many hospitals, not enough emergency personnel, no building codes, poor construction practices

4  Property Damage: can have high rates of property damage because of larger amounts of personal property LDC’s  Property Damage: can have high rates of property damage because buildings and infrastructure are not structurally sound

5  Casualties: tend to have less because of better infrastructure and preparedness techniques LDC’s  Casualties: tend to have higher casualty rates due to lack of modern infrastructure and preparedness techniques that you see in countries like the U.S. & other well-developed nations

6  Costs: Have higher costs because of the higher value of property in well- developed countries LDC’s  Costs: less costs because of lesser value of property



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