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Administer, Compute, Element

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Presentation on theme: "Administer, Compute, Element"— Presentation transcript:

1 Administer, Compute, Element

2 Administer (v) PRONUNCIATION: adMINister
DEFINITION: To manage. To bring into use or operation. To manage or dispose of. SYNONYM(S): Conduct, Control, Execute; superintend, supervise, oversee. WORD FAMILY WORDS : nonadministrant, adjective Self-administered, adjective self-administering, adjective unadministered, adjective

3 Sentences: The system is simple to understand and administer. It would be simple, easy to administer and efficient.

4 Compute (v) PRONUNCIATION: compute
DEFINITION: To determine by using a computer or calculator. To make sense; add up SYNONYM(S): Estimate, count, figure. WORD FAMILY WORDS : computable, adjective computability, noun computably, adverb

5 Sentences: People compute everyday for many reasons. Computing is a simple thing that most persons do.

6 Element(n) PRONUNCIATION: ELement
DEFINITION: A natural habitat, a component of a whole or one of the parts into which a whole may be resolved by analysis. "earth, air, fire, water," SYNONYM(S): component, constituent, ingredient WORD FAMILY WORDS : Interelement, adjective, noun subelement, noun

7 Sentences: The four main elements are water, air, fire, and earth. In every direction the dominant feature of the landscape, the element that binds everything together, is water.

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