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How to Assess Learning During a Lesson Dr. Michael Paul Brigham Young University—Idaho.

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2 How to Assess Learning During a Lesson Dr. Michael Paul Brigham Young University—Idaho

3 Assessment What is it? Why do we do it? When do we do it? Who assess who? T-S, S-S How do we usually do it?

4 Three Types of Assessment 1.Before Learning 2.*During Learning – Why? 3. After Learning

5 Checking for understanding during learning allows teachers to -monitor student progress -make instructional decisions -assure students are not practicing mistakes

6 Popsicle Stick Names

7 Thumbs Up Thumbs Down Fist to Five

8 Let’s Practice: Fist to Five I made myself a snowball As perfect as could be. I thought I’d keep it as a pet And let it sleep with me. I made it some pajamas And a pillow for its head. Then last night it ran away, But first—it wet the bed. -Shel Silverstein

9 Stoplight Cards

10 Let’s Practice! 1. 在中国,过年是一件大事,而新年晚会就是 这大事中的大事。 2. Miguel está haciendo fila en el aeropuerto. Es su turno y camina hacia el mostrador. 3. In the light of the moon a little egg lay on a leaf.

11 Bean Bag Toss 1.Ask a question 2.Toss the bean bag to a student for an answer. 3.Let’s practice: 1.What did you do yesterday? 2.What do you like to eat? 3.How old are you? 4.What is your favorite color?

12 The Minute Paper 1. Ask: "What are the most important points you have learned in the last ___ minutes?" 2. Write: Students write their one minute paper. 3. Share: Students share their papers. Correct any misunderstandings or confusion.

13 “WH” Questions

14 Games with Competition First: Students learn the lesson. Second: Teacher checks students’ understanding of the content using a game Game Ideas: Grammar; Spelling; Vocabulary; Pronunciation; Speaking Activities

15 Practice: Adjective Noun Pairs AdjectiveNoun free work hard time deep sister little tire flat meal light sleep

16 Written responses, checked by partner Example Activity: Think – Pair – Share (TPS) T : (Think) Teachers begin by asking a specific question about the text. Students "think" about what they know or have learned about the topic. P : (Pair) Each student should be "paired" with another student or a small group. S : (Share) Students share their thinking with their partner. Teachers expand the "share" into a whole-class discussion.

17 Let’s Practice! Think: Why should your students learn English? Pair: groups of two or three Share: your ideas with your group/class

18 Fly Swatter Divide students into two teams and use fly swatters to identify correct answers.

19 Let’s Practice!

20 Practice: Noun, Verb, Article, Adjective amanloveopenyawnhuge fluffy thewomansmellsyelldusty beautifulkickcarmusicteacherappear themonkeyanyawngreasy open

21 Board Work Have students work individually or in small groups to write answers on the board. The teacher can quickly check for understanding, and allow students to change their answers.

22 (Students) Write Your Own Quiz Usually the teacher writes the test and the students take the test. Instead, have the each students write a quiz using what they have learned in class. Now have the students take their own quiz!

23 3-2-1 Activity – Let’s Practice! Three things you learned: 1. 2. 3. Two things that interest you and you’d like to learn more about: 1. 2. One question you still have: 1.

24 Ticket out the door Which checking for understanding method could you use in your classroom tomorrow?

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