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“A Sound of Thunder,” “Monkey’s Paw,” and “The Small Assassin”

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Presentation on theme: "“A Sound of Thunder,” “Monkey’s Paw,” and “The Small Assassin”"— Presentation transcript:

1 “A Sound of Thunder,” “Monkey’s Paw,” and “The Small Assassin”

2 visage Noun Face or facial expression

3 doughty Adjective brave

4 malign Verb To speak evil of; defame; or slander

5 credulity Noun Tendency to believe too readily

6 avaricious Adj Greedy for wealth

7 furtively Adv Secretively; sneakily; stealthily

8 apathy Noun Lack of interest or emotion

9 oppressive Adj Causing great discomfort

10 grave Adjective Very serious and worrying

11 fusillade Noun Rapid firing, as of gunshots

12 annihilate Verb To destroy; to completely wipe out

13 expendable Adjective Dispensable; unnecessary

14 Infinitesimal(ly) Adverb In steps so small as to be immeasurable or incalculable

15 resilient Adjective Capable of bouncing or springing back to an original shape after being stretched or bent

16 sheath(ed) Adjective or verb (sheathed)/ Noun (sheath) Enclosed in a protective covering

17 undulate Verb To move in a wave-like motion

18 revoke Verb To cancel or withdraw

19 primeval Adjective Belonging to the earliest times or ages

20 subliminal Adjective Below the threshold of conscious perception; subconscious

21 malignant Adj. Dangerous or harmful

22 effluvium Noun A slight or invisible exhalation or vapor

23 delirium Noun State of violent excitement or emotion

24 reproof Noun Expression of disapproval

25 vulnerable Adjective Capable of being wounded or hurt (emotionally or physically)

26 ambivalence Noun Uncertainty or the inability to make a choice

27 cumbersome Adjective Burdensome; troublesome; clumsy

28 grotesque Adjective Odd or unnatural in shape; ugly; absurd

29 pallid Adjective Pale; lacking in vitality (life)

30 crude Adjective Raw or unrefined

31 expenditure Noun The act of spending

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