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What is the Athenian Empire? What is Democracy in Athens? What are the Achievements of Pericles?

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Presentation on theme: "What is the Athenian Empire? What is Democracy in Athens? What are the Achievements of Pericles?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What is the Athenian Empire? What is Democracy in Athens? What are the Achievements of Pericles?

2 Athens and other city-states joined to create the_____________. (all but Sparta) Athens and other city-states joined to create the_____________. (all but Sparta) Delian League was created to defend Delian League was created to defend _______against the _________~ it freed most Greek cities from Persia’s control Athens gained control of the Delian League. The league moved from Delos to___________. Athens gained control of the Delian League. The league moved from Delos to___________.

3 Democracy in Athens ________Democracy: mass meetings of men to decide on government matters. EVERY citizen votes on laws and policies. ________Democracy: mass meetings of men to decide on government matters. EVERY citizen votes on laws and policies. ___________Democracy: citizens choose a smaller group to make the laws and government decisions. ___________Democracy: citizens choose a smaller group to make the laws and government decisions. –This is more practical with a large population.

4 Why did a direct democracy work in Athens? It was a small group of citizens. It was a small group of citizens. –43,000 male citizens in Athens about 400 BC yet only 6,000 showed up to meetings. –The assembly passed all laws, elected officials, and made decisions on war and foreign affairs. Ten officials (generals) carried out the assemblies laws and policies.


6 What are Pericles Achievements? A general A general Led Athens for over 30 years Led Athens for over 30 years Promoted democracy Promoted democracy Encouraged more people to be involved in the government Encouraged more people to be involved in the government Athens dominated the Delian League during this time Athens dominated the Delian League during this time

7 Pericles…. Demanded loyalty from other city-states Demanded loyalty from other city-states Demanded payment from other city-states Demanded payment from other city-states He paid officeholders He paid officeholders He allowed lower class male citizens to run for public office He allowed lower class male citizens to run for public office =poor citizens able to be part of the inner circle of government =poor citizens able to be part of the inner circle of government More people involved the more ideas offered More people involved the more ideas offered

8 Pericles He supported artists, architects, writers, philosophers He supported artists, architects, writers, philosophers He began major rebuilding projects in Athens since the destruction during the Persian Wars He began major rebuilding projects in Athens since the destruction during the Persian Wars

9 What is life like in Athens? Use your Venn diagram or drawing of the Greek home vs. modern home for the home description. Use your Venn diagram or drawing of the Greek home vs. modern home for the home description.

10 285,000 residence with 43,000 being men with political rights. 285,000 residence with 43,000 being men with political rights. Slavery was common Slavery was common One slave per household, wealthy had more. One slave per household, wealthy had more. –Household servants~ cooks, maids, tutors –Others in fields, industry, artesian shops –Slaves needed to support economy

11 Athenian Economy Farmers grew grain, vegetables, fruit, olives, and grapes. Farmers grew grain, vegetables, fruit, olives, and grapes. Import grains due to little farmland. Import grains due to little farmland. Herders raise sheep & goats for wool, milk and cheese. Herders raise sheep & goats for wool, milk and cheese. Trade: pottery, jewels, leather goods Trade: pottery, jewels, leather goods Fishermen Fishermen

12 Ancient Grecian Home Ancient Grecian Home


14 Home in Ancient Greece Due to the warm Mediterranean climate, it allowed Greeks to spend a lot of time in the courtyard. Compared to homes today, Greek homes had little furniture, except in the dining room where men held dinner parties. Due to the warm Mediterranean climate, it allowed Greeks to spend a lot of time in the courtyard. Compared to homes today, Greek homes had little furniture, except in the dining room where men held dinner parties. The home had a spinning room, alter in the courtyard, bedrooms, family room and kitchen with an open fire pit. The home had a spinning room, alter in the courtyard, bedrooms, family room and kitchen with an open fire pit.

15 Men: Men: –work in the am, exercised or attended assembly meeting in the pm –Upper class men enjoyed all male gatherings were they drank, dined and discussed politics and philosophy.

16 Women: Women: –care for their children and households. –Poor women might work in the fields or sell goods. –Women had no political rights and could not own property

17 Women Women could not attend school Women could not attend school They did learn to read & play music They did learn to read & play music Not considered = to men Not considered = to men No political rights, no property No political rights, no property Fathers in charge of unwed daughters Fathers in charge of unwed daughters Husbands looked after their wife Husbands looked after their wife Sons or other male relatives looked after widows Sons or other male relatives looked after widows

18 Aspasia A well educated woman who influenced Plato and Pericles. She could not vote or hold office however, she taught public speaking. A well educated woman who influenced Plato and Pericles. She could not vote or hold office however, she taught public speaking.

19 What is the Peloponnesian War? Other city-states along with Sparta became suspicious of Athens. Other city-states along with Sparta became suspicious of Athens. City-states joined together against Athens. City-states joined together against Athens. The war that broke out is known as the Peloponnesian War. The war that broke out is known as the Peloponnesian War.

20 What is Pericles Funeral Oration? Pericles reminded Athenians about democracy and gave them courage to continue fighting. Pericles reminded Athenians about democracy and gave them courage to continue fighting. (we will do more with this next week) (we will do more with this next week)

21 He pointed out….. Athenians were a community Athenians were a community as citizens they agree to obey the rules of their constitution as citizens they agree to obey the rules of their constitution Accept certain duties: paying taxes & defending the city Accept certain duties: paying taxes & defending the city They gain certain rights~ vote & run for office They gain certain rights~ vote & run for office

22 Why was Athens Defeated? Athenians outside the city walls moved inside the city to protect themselves. Athenians outside the city walls moved inside the city to protect themselves. In the second year of the war, a disease killed more than one-third of the people inside Athens’ walls, including Pericles. In the second year of the war, a disease killed more than one-third of the people inside Athens’ walls, including Pericles. The navy continued to bring supplies, Spartans did not have navy to defeat them. The navy continued to bring supplies, Spartans did not have navy to defeat them. 25 years this stand off went on 25 years this stand off went on

23 Spartans had Persians help them build a navy. In exchange for money and Greek territory in Asia Minor Spartans had Persians help them build a navy. In exchange for money and Greek territory in Asia Minor Spartan navy defeated the Athenian navy, which brought supplies to the Athenians. Spartan navy defeated the Athenian navy, which brought supplies to the Athenians. Athens surrendered. Athens surrendered. What was the effect of the Peloponnesian War on the city-states? What was the effect of the Peloponnesian War on the city-states? –Many people died, and others lost jobs. Farmers had their land destroyed. Greeks could not reunite again

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