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Memory Management CSCI 2720 Spring 2005. What is memory management? “the prudent utilization of this scarce resource (memory), whether by conservation,

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Presentation on theme: "Memory Management CSCI 2720 Spring 2005. What is memory management? “the prudent utilization of this scarce resource (memory), whether by conservation,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Memory Management CSCI 2720 Spring 2005

2 What is memory management? “the prudent utilization of this scarce resource (memory), whether by conservation, recycling, or other strategies.”

3 Terminology heap** - a table M[0..N-1] of N cells Smaller blocks of memory are allocated from this heap An allocated block is said to be reserved or in use The allocated block may later be freed or deallocated. ** -- no relation to the partially ordered, implicitly represented tree we just talked about in class.

4 What’s a good MM scheme? It depends: Blocks of fixed size v. varying size Linked blocks v. unlinked blocks Small blocks v. large blocks Time v. memory Explicit v. implicit release Scheduled v. unscheduled release Initialized v. uninitialized blocks

5 Fixed v. varying size blocks If fixed, or large number of same size, makes sense to set aside a heap for those requests Fixed-size easier to manage

6 Linked v. unlinked If linked then can’t arbitrarily move blocks: Example: Can’t relocate B without breaking A A B

7 If unlinked, then Program A Program B Program C Program A Program B Program C Program D

8 Small v. large May need to handle a few bytes … or megabytes Small blocks – May make sense to move, zero out, etc. Large blocks Want to avoid operations whose performance depends on size of block

9 Time v. memory Which are you optimizing? If you can “waste” some memory (have a large heap), then may be able to use faster management algorithms. If memory is scarce, may need more time- consuming algorithms.

10 Explicit v. implicit release Does “user” notify memory manager when memory is no longer needed by program? Garbage = memory that MM has allocated, but that is no longer referenced by any variable that can/will be accessed by client. When can MM reclaim memory?

11 Scheduled v. unscheduled release Memory manager can benefit from knowing order in which memory will be released. (For example: if release is LIFO, can use a stack.)

12 Initialized v. uninitialized blocks Initialize to all zeros to meet semantics of programming language. Initialize for security purposes. … but takes time proportional to size of block.

13 Records of a single size Given heap of memory M[0..N-1], if records are all of same size k, can partition at init into a table of cells of size k, T[0..m-1], where m = floor(N/k) For any allocation request, return some T[i] At any time, some cells are in use, some are free; no particular order or pattern to their status

14 Records of a single size Maintain a free list: singly linked list of cells not in use. No additional memory needed, can use part of cell as pointer to next chunk. Assumes size(cell) > size(pointer) Access as a stack: Pop to allocate, Push on deallocation, thus  (1). Garbage collection problem remains: when is a chunk available to be reclaimed?

15 Reference counts Suppose we have: 47 x y y

16 Reference counts Each time the address of a cell is copied, we have another “use” of that memory location Can’t deallocate until all copies of the address have been destroyed. Method for keeping track of the use of cells: maintain a reference count for each cell

17 Reference Counts x y 47

18 Reference Counts Cons: Lots of machinery: P <- Q requires Decrement ref count of *P If *P is now 0, deallocate Increment *Q Requires memory in cells for ref count And how big should it be?? Circularity a problem

19 What else can we do? Mark and sweep garbage collection..

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