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Omnibus Rate Case Implementation Pricing and Classification Implementation Pricing and Product Design, USPS - HQ.

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Presentation on theme: "Omnibus Rate Case Implementation Pricing and Classification Implementation Pricing and Product Design, USPS - HQ."— Presentation transcript:

1 Omnibus Rate Case Implementation Pricing and Classification Implementation Pricing and Product Design, USPS - HQ

2 Omnibus Rate Case Implementation Implementation Life Cycle Board Requests Case Filed with the PRC PRC Recommendation Board Decision Implementation

3 Omnibus Rate Case Implementation Focus Communications Cross-Functional Teamwork Training Preparation Planning

4 Omnibus Rate Case Implementation Board Requests Establish Implementation Readiness Teams –Internal –Customer Technical Speakers Bureau Implementation Advisory Board Draft Rate Proposal Kits

5 Omnibus Rate Case Implementation Case Filed with the PRC Distribute Rate Proposal Kits –Media –Mailer Associations –Officers –Postmasters –Union/Management Associations

6 Omnibus Rate Case Implementation Case Filed with the PRC Establish Rate Web Site Publish Special Mailers Companion Publish Federal Register Proposed Rules Conduct IRT Meetings Develop Messaging, Material, and Distribution Requirements

7 Omnibus Rate Case Implementation PRC Recommendation Updated Media Kits Released Update Web Site Disseminate Updated Information to IRT and Coordinator Network Start Preparation for Final Updates on all Electronic and Hardcopy Rate Information and Publications Draft Federal Register Final Rules and Special Postal Bulletin

8 Omnibus Rate Case Implementation Board Action Distribute Rate Implementation Kits –Media –Mailer Associations –Officers –Postmasters –Union/Management Associations –Implementation Readiness Teams

9 Omnibus Rate Case Implementation Implementation Update Electronic Systems –Web Sites –POS1/IRT Terminals –Postal Explorer –Business Mail 101 –Business Customer Support/Permit –Call Centers/Consumer Affairs

10 Omnibus Rate Case Implementation Implementation Finalize and Distribute Updated Publications and Forms –Federal Register Final Rules –Special Postal Bulletin –Domestic Mail Manual –Postage Statements –Notice/Posters/Publication 123 –Other Publications and Forms

11 Omnibus Rate Case Implementation Implementation Conduct National Training –National Business Mail Entry/Rate Coordinator Conference –Air Postal Satellite Training Network (PSTN) Broadcasts Support National, Area, and District Activities

12 Omnibus Rate Case Implementation Implementation Follow Up Monitor Public/Media Reactions Conduct Follow Up MeetingsQuestions?

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