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Welcome EANN board of directors meeting, Lund, 9 and 10 March 2007,

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome EANN board of directors meeting, Lund, 9 and 10 March 2007,"— Presentation transcript:

1 welcome EANN board of directors meeting, Lund, 9 and 10 March 2007,

2 1. Welcome and introductions

3 2. Apologies for absence

4 Changes for the agenda Virginia Prendergast (president WFNN) is coming at 16:45 to talk about WFNN and the 2009 Toronto congress

5 3. Minutes of the reykjavik meeting may 2007 and announcements

6 4. Reports executive officers 10 minutes!!

7 4. Report president Articles EANN congress in Reykjavik Extra executive committee meeting in Nijmegen ESNO NeuroBlend partners and LdV: Adaptation Sculpture for Winny Hosting VLE promoting NeuroBlend networking: WFNN & AANN Congress Croatia New members Proposal next level of services

8 5. Reports & announcements national representatives 5 minutes !!

9 6. New EANN members: adopting project headlines: – each member adopts a non member country – try to find contact person’s, help to build an association – project manager for coordinating & stimulating – development of helpful materials, brochures, documents – reports 2x per year

10 7.8 th quadrennial congress Reykjavik, Iceland Summary and evaluation

11 8. EANN website

12 European Association of Neuroscience Nurses (EANN) Strategy 2003-2008 evaluation 9a

13 Mission Statement The mission of the European Association of Neuroscience Nurses (EANN) is to support and enhance the development of competence in neuroscience nursing by improving the exchange of information between neuroscience nurses in Europe.

14 Goals 1.Nursing care will be delivered by competent neuroscience nurses. 2.Neuroscience nursing is recognised as a speciality in Europe by the public and the healthcare systems 3.The services of the EANN are accessible to every neuroscience nurse in Europe. 4.Neuroscience nursing knowledge is available to neuroscience nurses in Europe.

15 1.Nursing care will be delivered by competent neuroscience nurses Priorities for action: A.Advance the neuroscience nursing contribution to quality of care outcomes, thus promoting the value of nursing to the public. B.Support continuing and post-basic education in neuroscience nursing care for nurses in all healthcare settings. C.Accommodate national requirements for accreditation for post-registration neuroscience nursing courses and develop standards for EANN educational activity

16 2. Neuroscience nursing is recognised as a speciality in Europe by the public and the healthcare systems Priorities for Action: A.Collect information to determine the status of neuroscience nurses in each country. B.Develop a common definition of “neuroscience nurse“ to include educational and clinical preparation. C.Highlight the impact neuroscience nurses have on patient care. D.Encourage national neuroscience nursing associations to develop a common strategy with which to lobby for recognition at a national level.

17 3. The services of the EANN are accessible to every neuroscience nurse in Europe A.Identify and secure resources to promote the Association. B.Optimise current means of information. C.Develop stronger links between EANN and the national neuroscience nursing associations. D.Develop an adequate infrastructure to support the activities of the EANN

18 4. Neuroscience nursing knowledge is available to neuroscience nurses in Europe Priorities for action: A.Identify the research priorities of European neuroscience nurses. B.Prepare a position statement on the value of research utilisation. C.Establish and maintain a network of nurse researchers providing the opportunity to conduct pan-European research. D.Promote the sharing of information from research studies and ongoing research activity

19 9b. EANN strategic plan 2008-2013 1.Neuroscience nursing is recognised as a speciality in Europe by the public and the healthcare systems 2.EANN is part of a strategic network for further developments & implementation of EANN goals 3.The services of the EANN are accessible to every neuroscience nurse in Europe/Neuroscience nursing knowledge is available to neuroscience nurses in Europe. 4.Promotion and public relation (to be formulated).

20 9b. strategic plan 2008-2013: activities NeuroBlend website: making it available to neuroscience nurses a EANN focus group: Community of teachers to guarantee high quality education, maintaining and new developments. Community of practice, blog, EANN website Community of researchers to develop a evidence based body of knowledge

21 10. Venue, date and time next board meeting Meeting 2009 – Venue: Istria - Croatia – 25 and 26 April 2008 – everybody is welcome at the Croatian congress on 23 and 24 April –Gala dinner Friday evening 24 April

22 11. New way to control EANN Finances EANN is an official organisation: finances according official guidelines Articles: control by accountant or by two individual members Each year the hosting country selects two members to check the finances (not members of the national BOD) Short report to EANN BOD (format) Decision EANN BOD: discharge treasures

23 12. EANN congress 2011 Belgium is host Short presentation(s) of the first idea’s Lone 12,500 euro Decisions

24 13. NeuroBlend Results Availability, development & business

25 The project: Partners Radcliffe infermary, Oxford Heilig Hart Ziekenhuis, Roeselare-Menen University medical center St Radboud, Nijmegen Univerity Hospital, Helsinki Oulu Polytechnic, Oulu Lund University Hospital Landspitali University Hospital Reykjavik Örebro Universität, Jonkoping University St. Luke’s hospital, Malta Silent Partners (European Associations) EANN EFN (nurses EU) FINE (nurse educators) (National Associations) BE: BVNV/ABIN DK: DANN UK: BANN FI: FANN SE: SANN NL: NVNV IS: IANN IT: ANIN SW: SGNP AU:OANCK HR: UMSTHN Mikkelli University Hvidovre Hospital Copenhagen

26 Competence based learning A competence describes behaviour needed to be successful in a professional context. Levels criteria, reflection Different every time  situation Meta-action Result/product action Knowledge Skills Attitudes roles Anticipate Plan care or treatment Reflection Justify actions Explain why Criteria for action Product criteria  standards & routines

27 02/07/2016 27 Project outcomes & results European Function ProfileTask oriented, gives clues about how to do the job European Competence ProfileCompetence oriented, gives clues about roles, contexts, outcomes & products and their criteria, reflection European Learning PlanGives info about the philosophy of learning and teaching Module DescriptionsDescribes the content areas in relation to competences Flexible Learning PathsAlternatives for an individual to acquire competences at a certain level Blended Learning PlanDescribes alternatives for using different modes of learning Educational OrganisationAlternatives for institutes at different levels of maturity to implement ECP in learning and teaching Implementation PlanStrategies, do’s and don’ts for different contexts Plan for Professionalising TeachersTrain the trainer plan, follow up project Quality Assurance, Accreditation, Certificattion Follow up project on harmonisation of educational system

28 Project outcomes & results Virtual Patient CasesFor developing competences in caring for patients. Real life situations, authentic learning context. Virtual Ward CasesFor developing competences in coaching, mentoring, managing the ward and vision on developing the profession. Knowledge baseTheory and learning materials for each of the 11 content areas Virtual Learning EnvironmentMultimedia e-learning system RepositoryRe-usable learning objects Community of practice for teachers Meeting and working place on the internet Shared workspaceVirtual office for NeuroBlend team

29 14. EANN policy regarding adoptation NeuroBlend Proposal: Towards the next level of service for neuroscience nurses in Europe

30 Educational service Website (public) Neuroscience nursing education, starting situation in Europe Curriculum documents Valorization & implementation Train the trainer plan ECP European competence profile BLP Blended learning plan EFP European function profile ELP European learning plan FLP flexible learning path MD module description TAP testing & assessment policy Moodle (members only) All public website documents Repository Virtual patiënt cases Virtual ward cases Virtual workspace Virtual learning environment Community of teachers

31 Growth model Moodle (members only) All public website documents Repository Virtual patiënt cases Virtual ward cases Virtual workspace Communities of NN (national) Virtual learning environment Community of teachers International community of NN 20082009201020112012 P&T Next X X P= partners T= teachers 1st

32 license board Promotor + representatives of former partner group user 4 user 1 user 2 user 3 user.. licensesublicense office end user educational committee community of teachers school, polytechnic, hospital with teachers

33 15. EANN EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Cooperation EC members Mandates

34 thanks! and have a save trip home

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