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DUNE-UK Mark Thomson University of Cambridge DUNE-UK Meeting, UCL May 15, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "DUNE-UK Mark Thomson University of Cambridge DUNE-UK Meeting, UCL May 15, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 DUNE-UK Mark Thomson University of Cambridge DUNE-UK Meeting, UCL May 15, 2015

2 Introduction 15.05.152Mark Thomson | DUNE-UK A great deal of progress since last DUNE-UK meeting First collaboration meeting in April – adoption of collaboration rules – DUNE lives We have a logo Configuration of DUNE experiment defined – Four caverns for four 10 kt detectors CD-1-R scheduled for July – CDR documents well advanced

3 Introduction 15.05.153Mark Thomson | DUNE-UK A great deal of progress since last DUNE-UK meeting CERN – US agreement signed last week – This is an important step… Possible funding profile for CD1 – Allows for implementation of DUNE on a rapid timescale First FD module installation starting in Jan 2022 20 kt by early 2025 40 kt by early 2027 Beamline complete at end of 2025 ND installed early 2027 – this is not unrealistic

4 The DUNE Collaboration 15.05.154Mark Thomson | DUNE-UK As of today: 769 Collaborators from 144 Institutes  The UK is a major player

5 DUNE and LBNF 15.05.155Mark Thomson | DUNE-UK Division of the Facility and Experiment along lines of LHC Model The LHC and the ATLAS/CMS experiment LBNF and the DUNE experiment LBNF (Long-baseline Neutrino Facility) “1.2 MW” beam (PIP-II), upgradable to 2.4 MW (PIP-III) DUNE (Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment) 40 kt Lar-TPC Far Detector (1300 km baseline) at SURF “Highly-capable” Near detector at FNAL

6 Far Detector Facilities 15.05.156Mark Thomson | DUNE-UK The Facility at SURF will house the DUNE FD modules Four caverns + four cryostats for four 10 kt FD LAr-TPC modules

7 Far Detector Facilities 15.05.157Mark Thomson | DUNE-UK The Facility at SURF will house the DUNE FD modules Four caverns + four cryostats for four 10 kt FD LAr-TPC modules Scope is the full 40 kt (fiducial) Far Detector

8 Far Detector Scope in CD-1-R 15.05.158Mark Thomson | DUNE-UK Total of 40 kt (fiducial): Four 10 kt modules to be installed sequentially – 12 m x 14.5 m x 58 m LAr-TPC Reference design is the LBNE APA/CPA concept – Will be adopted for first 10 kt module Anticipate evolution of the LAr-TPC technology – Either improvements in single-phase design or demonstration of dual-phase design Single-phase prototypes are part of the DUNE project – 35-t prototype at Fermilab (2015) – Large-scale engineering prototype at CERN (2018) UK WP4

9 Near Detector Scope in CD-1-R 15.05.159Mark Thomson | DUNE-UK NOMAD-inspired fine-grained tracker concept is the reference design (basis of cost/schedule) in CDR – Straw-tube tracker – ECAL – Dipole magnet – RPC Muon detectors After CD-1 DUNE will undertake a detailed study of the optimization of the near detector system, e.g. – Capability to constrain systematics – Impact of augmenting with a LAr-TPC or High-pressure gaseous TPC UK WP1

10 Beyond the CDR 15.05.1510Mark Thomson | DUNE-UK Operation of the 35-t prototype – We will learn a lot… – including operational experience with DAQ – and experience with reconstructing real LAr-TPC data CERN Single-Phase Prototype Proposal to SPSC in June – A Major project in it’s own right – UK involvement, building on SBND construction? Starting to think about permanent WGs + new TFs – TF for Near Detector Design – TF for beam/target optimization? – TF for end-to-end reconstruction/physics UK WP3 UK WP2 UK WP5

11 15.05.1511Mark Thomson | DUNE-UK UK Perspective

12 STFC LBN Oversight Committee 15.05.1512Mark Thomson | DUNE-UK STFC Oversight committee on June 9 th (Swindon) Chaired by Paul Soler – DUNE in the morning, HK in the afternoon – MT, AW & SS-R to attend for DUNE – Trying to keep requested documentation to minimum… – Will need to update progress against milestones – Each is WG requested to provide 2 – 3 slides for presentation

13 DUNE-UK Deliverables 15.05.1513Mark Thomson | DUNE-UK WP1 WP2 WP3 WP4 WP5

14 Milestones and deliverables… 15.05.1514Mark Thomson | DUNE-UK

15 Longer-term UK Strategy 15.05.1515Mark Thomson | DUNE-UK Things are lining up for DUNE DOE, FNAL & CERN are committed to LBNF/DUNE CD-1-R – is an important step, defines cost range CD-3a [November] for far site excavation – Allows DOE to commit necessary money in FY17 Major green light for LBNF/DUNE At this point the project becomes very real An opportunity…

16 Longer-term UK Strategy 15.05.1516Mark Thomson | DUNE-UK Three possible future directions CERN Prototype – Discussing how UK can get involved (after today’s mtg) DUNE Far Detector – When do we request resources/commitment from STFC/BIS There may be a window of opportunity here some time in the not too distant future DUNE Near Detector – Possible strategic reasons to consider some involvement Main topics for discussion after today’s main meeting

17 And finally… 15.05.1517Mark Thomson | DUNE-UK Thanks to Ryan/Anna for organizing this meeting

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