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Chapter 10 - Section 3 - A New Foreign Policy 1900 - US is a world power with strong economy and military. McKinley is easily elected, but is assassinated,

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2 Chapter 10 - Section 3 - A New Foreign Policy 1900 - US is a world power with strong economy and military. McKinley is easily elected, but is assassinated, leaving Roosevelt in charge Panama Canal Reasons for wanting a canal - Shorter shipping Route between east and west - Allow for quick movement of US Navy French start the canal with a 25 year concession from Colombia (Panama was a province of Colombia)


4 French give up after 10 years, sells rights to the US - Columbia not pleased with the US taking over for such a cheap price (40 million) and refuse to sign the deal. - Roosevelt works out a deal with Panamanians to start a rebellion allowing the US to recognize Panama as independent. (the US becomes its protector) - The US receives a 10 mile wide strip of land across Panama for $10 million Reaction to the Canal - Most did not like how it was done “an instance of foul play in US politics,” but many agreed the canal was necessary - Left a feeling of ill will in Latin America towards the US

5 Teddy Roosevelt followed an African Proverb that said it was best to do what? “______ softly and carry a ___________.” “Speak softly and carry a big stick.” What did this mean?


7 ROOSEVELT’S BIG STICK DIPLOMACY Roosevelt’s Corollary – Extension of the Monroe Doctrine - He denied the US wanted any more territory - He wanted prosperity and stability for all neighbors - US would intervene if necessary to keep this true Santa Domingo – First test of Roosevelt’s Corollary - Island goes bankrupt – Europe threatens to intervene - United States Steps in: - Takes over customs (oversight in imports/exports) - US bankers take over finances (Pay off Euro debt) - When Congress tried to block, Roosevelt side steps by making an executive agreement (no approval needed)

8 Roosevelt the Diplomat – His chief concern was open trade with China - Main threat to Open Trade came from Japan - Russo-Japanese war (Japan was starting to overpower Russia) - Roosevelt feared China was next - Roosevelt steps in and negotiates a treaty - Japan gets small amounts of land - Russia vacates Manchuria (Part of China) - Peace is won and Roosevelt wins Nobel Peace Prize

9 Foreign Policy under President Taft “Dollar Diplomacy” - Substitute “dollars” for “bullets” - What does this mean? Maintain stability through increased investments in foreign economies Goals: - Maintain Open Door with China - Preserve stability in Latin America Outcome: - Lost large amounts of money in China (railroad) - Made more enemies than friends in Latin America

10 Foreign Policy under President Wilson - Wilson returns to using force to carry out his policies - Revolution in Mexico replaces government that was favored by the US - Wilson and US does not recognize new leader (Huerta) - US has billions in investments that need protected. But how? - The arrest of US sailors in Tampico Bay is how - Wilson send in the Navy (Big Stick) and runs Huerta out of power. - Carranza is new leader, supported by the US - Carranza is opposed by Ponch Villa who starts cross border raids into the US

11 SEC 4 - ANTI-IMPERIALIST FEELINGS Moral and Political Arguments - Imperialism disregards the “Liberty for all” ideals of the US - Imperialism denies Constitutional guarantees of other US citizens Racial Arguments - Promotes racism by promoting superiority of Anglo- Saxon race - Southerners were fearful of increase in other races (minorities) in south

12 Economic Arguments: - Expansion too costly (expanded military) - Immigrating laborers from new territories will take jobs away from Americans - Cheap imported goods from annexed territories would hurt US industries

13 Imperialisms Appeal - - Appealed to the expeditionary mindset of Americans Exploring the wild (Boy Scouts are Girl Scouts) - Economic and Military Necessary outlets – world class military - Great White Fleet - Pride of America – A world power

14 Imperialism viewed from Abroad – -In some instances US backed govt. was unpopular with the local people Latin America = Yankee Go Home -Some countries turned to the US for support (in order to stay independent) In all of this the US needed to: Deal with their new found power in the world

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