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SWBAT: Explain how American society changed as a result of WWI and its aftermath.

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Presentation on theme: "SWBAT: Explain how American society changed as a result of WWI and its aftermath."— Presentation transcript:

1 SWBAT: Explain how American society changed as a result of WWI and its aftermath

2   Define American Expeditionary Forces (AEF) and explain its significance in WWI  U.S. armed forces who fought in WWI  Relieved and supported Allies  helped tip balance in favor of Allies in combat Do Now

3   Women- jobs vacated by men were often taken by women, many entering the workforce for the 1 st time  19 th Amendment Effects of War on American Society

4   Great Migration-  WWI created tremendous number of industrial job opportunities for black laborers  Pre-WWI, 90% of blacks lived in the South  Aside from jobs, why head north?  escape lynchings, voting rights, educational opportunities for children  However… more white southerners moved north than black southerners  What do you think blacks found awaiting them in the North? Effects of War on American Society

5   NPR Fresh Air: Great Migration- The African-American Exodus North (25min) NPR Fresh Air: Great Migration- The African-American Exodus North (25min)

6   Race Riots:  Great Migration increased competition for jobs & housing  racial tensions  Chicago- 40 people killed, 500 injured  South- racial prejudice & fear of returning African American soldiers led to racial violence & lynchings by whites Effects of War on American Society

7   1919: 4 million+ workers engaged in strikes  “Freedom in the Workplace”  Wearing military uniforms, workers denounced employers as “kaisers”  Wartime rhetoric of economic democracy & freedom inspired the strikes Labor Unrest

8   Steel Strike of 1919  Roughly 365,000 workers (mostly immigrants) went on strike  U.S. Steel refused to negotiate  Hired blacks & Mexicans as replacements  Propaganda  Workers associated with:  IWW (Industrial Workers of the World)  Communism Labor Unrest


10   The strikes & Russian Revolution convinced many Americans there was a worldwide communist conspiracy  The Palmer Raids (1919 – 1920)  Atty. Gen. A. Mitchell Palmer sent federal agents to raid offices of radical & labor organizations  6,000 people arrested (most without warrants)  held for months without charges filed  Hundreds of immigrants deported Red Scare IWW Headquarters after Palmer Raids

11  Red Scare

12   End of the Scare  Palmer predicted that on May 1, 1920 a radical conspiracy would attempt to overthrow the U.S. government  That never happened  Red Scare subsided, but damage was done  IWW & Socialist Party effectively through  Nativist campaigns  immigration quotas Red Scare


14   WWI and its aftermath intensified debates about the nation’s role in the world, how best to achieve national security, & pursue American interests League of Nations Sen. Henry Cabot Lodge (R-MA) and President Wilson argued over America’s role in a post-WWI world



17   In the years following WWI, the U.S. pursued a unilateral foreign policy that used international investment, peace treaties, and select military intervention to promote a vision of international order, while maintaining isolationism  Did the U.S. Senate ratify and/or decide to join the League of Nations?  NO, despite Wilson’s post war negotiations

18   How did the Red Scare and immigration quotas impact American identity? Wrap Up

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