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Vocabulary Background of the Civil War and the Gilded Age Walt Whitman Harriet Beecher Stowe Emily Dickinson Sara Orne Jewett Southern writers Mark Twain.

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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulary Background of the Civil War and the Gilded Age Walt Whitman Harriet Beecher Stowe Emily Dickinson Sara Orne Jewett Southern writers Mark Twain."— Presentation transcript:


2 Vocabulary Background of the Civil War and the Gilded Age Walt Whitman Harriet Beecher Stowe Emily Dickinson Sara Orne Jewett Southern writers Mark Twain - Adventures of Tom Sawyer - Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Contents 2

3 Vulgarity [v ʌ l ɡ ǽrəti] ( 야비, 속됨, 천박 ) : The quality or state of being vulgar mean condition of life; the state of the lower classes of society. Advent [ǽdvent] ( 출현, 도래 ) : Arrival that has been awaited ex) “the advent of the computer” Ornament [ ɔː rnəmənt] ( 꾸밈 ) : That which embellishes; something which, added to another thing, renders it more beautiful to the eye. Corpse[k ɔː rps] ( 시체 ) : The dead body of a human being. Perish[péri ʃ ] ( 죽다, 멸망하다 ) : Pass from physical life and lose all bodily attributes and functions necessary to sustain life Vulgarity [v ʌ l ɡ ǽrəti] ( 야비, 속됨, 천박 ) : The quality or state of being vulgar mean condition of life; the state of the lower classes of society. Advent [ǽdvent] ( 출현, 도래 ) : Arrival that has been awaited ex) “the advent of the computer” Ornament [ ɔː rnəmənt] ( 꾸밈 ) : That which embellishes; something which, added to another thing, renders it more beautiful to the eye. Corpse[k ɔː rps] ( 시체 ) : The dead body of a human being. Perish[péri ʃ ] ( 죽다, 멸망하다 ) : Pass from physical life and lose all bodily attributes and functions necessary to sustain life


5 ○ It began just after Civil War, lasted until the beginning of World War I ○ Industrialization & Wealth ○ Technological advances, Labor unions, Politics, Immigration, Urban life etc. were happened in that period.


7 Features of authorship :




11 The south which was economically and spiritually destroyed by the Civil War, produced very little important literature in the post war years.




15 Features of authorship :



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