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Ethical Concerns of the Continuing Advancement of Technology By Alex Merkulov.

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Presentation on theme: "Ethical Concerns of the Continuing Advancement of Technology By Alex Merkulov."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ethical Concerns of the Continuing Advancement of Technology By Alex Merkulov

2 Device Paradigm  Increasingly dull relationships with physical reality  Cont ext-less devices replace things and objects  Separation of “means” from the “end”  Increased productivity results in mass consumption  Social interactions are judged within the context of technology

3 AI Research Issues  Abstraction of ethical decisions from humans  Lack of intuitive expert knowledge

4 Technology as Totalitarian Culture  Transition from dinner table meal to fast food  Humans and natural resources as raw materials

5 Technological Reform  Focal practices to govern technological arrangements:  Reading books  Running  Crafts/Arts  Going to church  Gardening  Cooking  Observing the wilderness  Other “means” without the “end”

6 Expert System as Advanced Student  No expert, but better than novice or beginner  Ethical decisions should be controlled by humans

7 Remember Your Roots  Cultural, ethical and social aspects are critical for any fully functioning device  Technology should be sustainable

8 Support 1: Albert Borgmann  Diagnosed “device paradigm”  Found that “Things” are different from “Devices”  Identified focal activities

9 Support 2: Hubert Dreyfus  Critiqued classical AI research approach  Found human expert’s intuitive knowledge to be indispensable

10 Support 3: Andrew Feenberg  Views environmental movements as attempts to control technology democratically  Offers a solution to “tradeoff” model  Defines technology as “a challenge to social and political creativity”

11 Conclusion  Technology can be reformed to support focal points of human life and social interaction  Expert Systems can be used with limitations  Cultural and ethical impacts of technology considerations can help with greener technology

12 References Achterhuis, H. (2001). American Philosophy of Technology. Indiana University Press Moore, B. N. & Bruder, K. (2005). Philosophy: The power of ideas (6th ed.). Boston: McGraw-Hill Higher Education.

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