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Analog Electronics Workshop Input/Output Limitations Rev 0.2 March 13, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Analog Electronics Workshop Input/Output Limitations Rev 0.2 March 13, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Analog Electronics Workshop Input/Output Limitations Rev 0.2 March 13, 2013

2 What’s Wrong?

3 Common Mode Voltage Definition

4 Vcm Input and Output Swing Vcm Range Vout Output Swing

5 Vcm – Two Examples Vcm = 0V Vcm = 5V

6 Input Stage V BE V SAT Output Stage

7 Translating the Data Sheet -2.6V< Vcm < 1.0V -2.95< Vout < 2.95V -2.6V< Vcm < 1.0V ParameterConditionsMinTypMaxUnit Input Voltage Range Common-Mode Voltage Range V CM (V-) – 0.1V(V+)-1.5V Output Voltage Output VoutRL = 10kΩ2050mV

8 Vcm or Output Swing Problem? Remember -2.95V<Vout<2.95V -2.6V<Vcm<1.0V What is the common-mode voltage? This is a Vcm violation! Vcm=Vin!

9 Measurement 9

10 NI myDAQ Exercise-Vcm Populate U1 with OPA735 Set J2 to 1-2 position

11 NI myDAQ Exercise-Vcm Launch Scope Scope Settings –Scale V/Div = 500mV –Time/Div = 200us –Trigger Type = Edge Run

12 NI myDAQ Exercise-Vcm Launch FGEN FGEN Settings –Triangle Wave –Frequency=1kHz –Amplitude=4Vpp –Signal Route=AO(1) Run

13 Further Reading

14 NI myDAQ Exercise-Vcm TINA ResultsLab Results

15 Simulation Measurement 15

16 TINA Exercise

17 Vin SettingsTriangular Wave Settings

18 TINA Exercise Analysis->Transient View->Separate Curves

19 Vcm or Output Swing Problem? For OPA277 -2.0V<Vout<1.3V (RL=10k) -0.5V<Vcm<0.5V What is the common-mode voltage? We can’t violate Vcm in this configuration! Vcm=0V! Output Swing Violation!

20 NI myDAQ Exercise-Output Swing Populate U2 with OPA277 Inverting Configuration

21 NI myDAQ Exercises Output Swing Stop Scope Settings –Source=AI(1) –Scale V/Div = 500mV –Time/Div = 200us –Trigger Type = Edge Run

22 NI myDAQ Exercise Output Swing Stop FGEN Settings –Triangle Wave –Frequency=1kHz –Amplitude=160mVpp Signal Route=AO(0) Run

23 NI myDAQ Exercise Output Swing TINA ResultsLab Results

24 24

25 1. For the circuit below: The output reads -260mV. The offset is 30uV typical. Why is the output so large?

26 1. For the circuit below: The output reads 171mV. The offset is 30uV typical. Why is the output so large?

27 Revisions 0.2 –Added homework –Added Lis / Kay presentation on limits.

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