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Paul Illingworth Head of School for Nursing & Midwifery Birmingham City University UK A pilot study in one English university of; mental health nurse,

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Presentation on theme: "Paul Illingworth Head of School for Nursing & Midwifery Birmingham City University UK A pilot study in one English university of; mental health nurse,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Paul Illingworth Head of School for Nursing & Midwifery Birmingham City University UK A pilot study in one English university of; mental health nurse, probation officer and social work lecturers identifying inter-professional education, relative to offenders with mental illness.

2 Rationale ‘catalogue of failure’ Ritchie et al 1994 Psychiatrists, social workers, mental health nurses, probation, police and Crown Prosecution Services ALL BLAMED

3 Research question To what extent is inter-professional education occurring between undergraduate mental health nurses, social workers and probation officer students in English Universities? Methods Descriptive survey Documentary (archival) Sample A university in southern England Purposive sample of three academics Validity/Reliability Time constraints, resources and sample size restricted the extent & rigour & therefore limited the validity and reliability.

4 Analysis Surveys proved relatively straightforward Documents involved cross referencing content with survey response Discussion/Reflection Time constraints, resources & sample size restricted extent & rigour & therefore limited the validity and reliability

5 Conclusions Modules do not address issues specific to offenders with mental illness Ensured healthcare students participate in inter-professional learning Appear to fail is making the learning relevant to daily practice and responsive to specific inquiry recommendations Research question: Partly answered. Inter-professional education, in one English university, does not occur between mental health nurse, probation officer and social work students Reference Ritchie, J.H; Dick, D & Lingham, R (1994) The Report of the Inquiry into the Care and Treatment of Christopher Clunis. London. HMSO.

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