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Cognitive processes attention – thinking – imagination – memory – creativity – problem solving Jakub Jura

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2 Cognitive processes attention – thinking – imagination – memory – creativity – problem solving Jakub Jura Engineering Psychology

3 What is Cognitive? From latin cognoscere = getting to know Distinguish emotional and rational Descarte’s „Cogito ergo s um“. Mental processes mediate between stimulus and response. stimulusresponse BLACK BOX F(s) GREY BOX

4 Cognitive processes Base Cognitive processes: – Perception – Sensation – Attention – Thinking – Imagination – Memory – Learning Advanced Cognitive processes – Creativity – Problem solving – metacognition

5 Cognitive processes How we process an information? Human cognition as a complex system Model of cognitive functions Sensation, Perception, Attention, Memory, Imagination, Thinking, Learning Object available information Schema of environment Exploration Directs Samples Modify Actual world Cognitive map Locomotion and action

6 Model of Cognitive functions Unified Modeling Language

7 SensationPerceptionAttention MemoryThinkingCreativity Imagination Cognitive model

8 Memory Sensory registr –George Sperling –(200 – 500 ms) Short-term memory –George Miller –7±2 chunks –Chunking process (recoding) Long-term memory –Hippocampus Memory processes: –Imprint –Retent –Remember –Recognise Sensory processesSensory register Selective filtering Perceptual processes Short term memoryLong term memory Repeating Remains from 200 ms to 500 ms

9 Ebbinghaus Forgetting Curve R = e -t/s –R …memory retention –s …relative strenght of memory –t …time 45 % 35 %

10 Serial-positioning effect Which of the syllable you remember easily? Initialy Final –Out of serial-positioning effect: –Meaningfull –Related to myself –Connected to my activity

11 Memory test How big is capacity of you visual memory? Redraw this figure maximaly precisely

12 Imaging Constructive and Reconstructive processes and eyes movement. 1.If the map is rotated upside down – whre is north-east? 2.Imagine what did you eat last evening. 3.Imagine yellow elephant with red dots. 4.Imagine sound of any song.

13 Experiment 3 - Mental rotation How many times you need to read rotated sign. R Angle ° Time 1 s Time 2 T A M L Q B F Internal and external time problem. Time need to read the letter.

14 Completing square test 1118

15 Attention Orientation reflex Orientation activities Bourdon test d2 test Capacity Fluency Trend

16 Attention overload znacek-pan-/domaci.asp?c=A110316_1549618_zlin-zpravy_sot

17 Bourdon test Benjamin Bourdon

18 Bourdon test MINMAX Trend Fluctuation MAX - MIN

19 1:17:16 Stroop Effect Divided attention BlueRedGreenYellow RedYellowBlueGreen YellowGreenRedBlue A) Read the text as quickly as possible:

20 1:17:16 Stroop Effect B) Name the colors as quickly as possible:

21 1:17:16 Stroop Effect C) Speak as quickly as possible the color of ink: RedYellowBlueGreen BlueRedGreenYellow YellowGreenRedBlue

22 1:17:16 Stroop Effect Divided attention John Ridley Stroop Task C is more difficult than A and B Interferention of two cortex patchways - for seeing the colour and for reading the word.

23 Thinking J. P. Guilford: Convergent production - generation of logical conclusions from given information, where emphasis is upon achieving unique or conventionally best outcomes. It is likely that given (cue) information fully determines the outcome as in mathematics and logic. Divergent production - generation of logical alternatives from given information, where emphasis is upon variety, quantity, and relevance of output from the same source.

24 Intelligence scale

25 Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis Linguistic Relativity Speakers of different languages  Have differing cognitive systems  Its influence the ways in which people thing about the world.

26 Problem solving Interconect all of this 9 point by the 4 segments of a line non-stop.Interconect all of this 9 point by the 4 segments of a line non-stop.

27 Phases of the creative process 1. Initiation Data collection and analysis of a initial situation. Preparation phase 2. Incubation Increasing of complexity. Multiplication of relations. Interpretation phase. 3. Ilumination Emergence of the solution. 4.Verification Reintegration of peices of knowledge.

28 E. Rossi – creative phase

29 Mind Mapping The mind map is Tony Buzan’s mean of visualization of mental contents of a given (usually in the center of the map placed) theme. Clarification or externalization of the mental representation of the given domain.

30 Metacognition Thinking about thinking (exactly cognition about cognition) First-level metacognition Second-level metacognition

31 Distribuce pozornosti Identifikace parametrů PID (nebo obecně modelu regulátoru) při regulaci a autoregulaci duševní činosti Například napouštím dvě nádoby vodou a reguluji výšku hladiny na danou hodnotu

32 Memory test

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