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. SOEN 6481 SOFTWARE SYSTEMS REQUIRMENTS SPECIFICATION Summer 2016 / AA Team - F Patil Niketa (Primary) Patil Pooja (Secondary) Sangale Ninad Sanidhi Sanidhi.

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Presentation on theme: ". SOEN 6481 SOFTWARE SYSTEMS REQUIRMENTS SPECIFICATION Summer 2016 / AA Team - F Patil Niketa (Primary) Patil Pooja (Secondary) Sangale Ninad Sanidhi Sanidhi."— Presentation transcript:

1 . SOEN 6481 SOFTWARE SYSTEMS REQUIRMENTS SPECIFICATION Summer 2016 / AA Team - F Patil Niketa (Primary) Patil Pooja (Secondary) Sangale Ninad Sanidhi Sanidhi Raju Gurpreet Wednesday, 15 th June 2016 Assessing Collaboration Patterns and Think lets and assessing validity of wikispaces

2 Collaboration patterns and think lets Iteration for deliverable Tools used for collaboration SWOT analysis Conclusion Agenda 02

3 Fill knowledge gaps Centralize work product management Manage the project Start immediately Spread tasks appropriately Collaboration Patterns and Think lets 03

4 Iteration For Deliverable 04 MeetingBrainstormingPlanning Work Distribution ReviewRefineSubmission

5 Wikispaces Google drive Edraw WhatsApp Stories on board Tools Used 05

6 Web hosting service. Free platform for students. Collaboration Communication. Document repository and versioning. Remote access to repository. What is Wikispaces ? 05

7 SWOT Analysis 06 Helpful (to achieve the objective) Harmful (to achieve the objective) Internal (attributes of the organization) Educational wiki free Supervise and assess work done. Every member can create pages. Every member can upload files. Change permissions for viewing and editing (public, private, protected). Version control system is weak WYSIWYG editor does not work exactly 5 GB storage space Does not support for parallel editing External (attribute of the environment) Share knowledge Share resources Good customer support Monitor Discussions Comments can be locked on discussions. Document accessing member can edit/delete document Discussions permission can not be handled separately, it follows page permissions.

8 Other Tools Used 06 Google drive Store and share files Used it as a backup device Edraw UML design tool Used for designing Domain model, Mind map, Use case model) Stories on board Online tool for mapping user stories. Can integrate team chat app (e.g. Slack). Support 1, 2, and 3 level story board. WhatsApp Mobile App for fast communication

9 Add Text Conclusion 07

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