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Transformational Leadership Questionnaire (TLQ)™ Introductory Slides 19 th January 2010 © Real World Group 2009.

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1 Transformational Leadership Questionnaire (TLQ)™ Introductory Slides 19 th January 2010 © Real World Group 2009

2 About Real World Group  Cutting-edge research into leadership, culture, diversity – peer-reviewed academic publications  Presence on numerous national advisory groups  Development of ‘robust’ instruments of proven reliability & validity  Extensive experience in turning research into diagnostic instruments and applying in organisations  Extensive experience & reputation in public sector using best-practice & making a real difference

3 21 st Century understanding of what drives superior performance Focus in organisations is increasing around ‘engagement’ as a means for achieving superior performance. It is defined as: A measure of the extent to which employees are committed to their organisation:  Put discretionary effort into their work  Want to stay with the organisation  Would recommend the organisation as a good place to work …effectively aligning organisational and individual aspirations

4 Evidence of engagement supporting org. performance  Strong link between quality of communication, engagement & higher organisational financial performance and lower turnover than peers in same industry (Watson Wyatt, 2006)  Average 17% higher operating margin within a given sector (Towers Perrin, 2005)  “High Morale” Companies Achieved 20% growth in stock value versus 8% Industry average (Centre for Economics & Business Research, 2006)  Teams with an ‘Engaging’ Leader, were rated higher by clients on ‘Quality of Life’ and Satisfaction with Team’s Support (Corrigan, 2000)

5 Relationship between competencies and engaging behaviours Degree of Competence Degree to which Engaging A BC

6 Why we conducted research into leadership Received wisdom is:  Based on US studies  Predominantly conducted in commercial organisations  Based on ‘distant’ Leadership  Based on self-reports of managers  Based almost exclusively on white males  Over 25 years old!

7 Item Development for Pilot TLQ © (Public sector version) Interviews with 150 male & female managers and professionals in Local Government & NHS + focus groups with N=60 doctors + literature review  Around 2,000 constructs elicited  Pilot LQ© developed & distributed to 300+ organisations  3,500 responses received

8 What emerged from the research…  A new inclusive model of ‘Engaging’ Transformational Leadership  Based on ‘nearby’ leadership as opposed to ‘distant’ leaders  Based on how people say they want to be led  Based on UK organisations  Non-heroic  Emphasises ‘distributed’ leadership

9 The Engaging Transformational Leadership Questionnaire (TLQ)™

10 US models of ‘distant’ leaders vs the UK model of ‘nearby’ engaging leadership

11 Evidence of validity of the engaging leadership model  Content, construct, convergent and discriminant validity  Now evidence of predictive validity  Generalisable across sectors and countries (eg Local Govt; Central Govt; Police, Prison Service, FRS, Schools, Universities, FTSE100 companies, USA, India, Pakistan, Greece, South Africa, Australia) Alban-Metcalfe, R. J. & Alimo-Metcalfe, B. (2000). An analysis of the convergent and discriminant validity of the Transformational Leadership Questionnaire. International Journal of Selection & Assessment, 8, 3, 158-175.

12 The impact of TLQ engagement scales on staff

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